MP3 on DVD

Hi there..

My stand alone player supports MP3 discs.

My question is:

Can I burn a whole lot of MP3's on a DVD and then play it on the stand alone player ?

Like I can't copy a SVCD disc direclty on a DVD, Im thinking there may be the same problem with MP3 on a DVD..

Have anyone tried this ?
Chances are, no.

There are a few players that will allow you to do this, check the DVD player database over at vcdhelp/dvdrhelp.
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AFAIK U cannot put MP3 onto a DVDR like a CDR but
I would reckon U could make a movie DVD with a still (or a loop) & have the MP3's as the soundtrack but I'm not certain & have never tried & cant see the point when U can get 2 - 300 on a CDR :cool:
well I can have even more MP3 files on a DVD.

I have an Panasonic RA82

MPEG1/2 ISO, plays MPEG1/MPEG2 files with no authoring

Does this mean I can put SVCD files directly on the DVDR without converting ?

some say I can play MP3 files from DVDR.

Well I will be getting my new Pioneer A06 next week, then I will test it.
Does this mean I can put SVCD files directly on the DVDR without converting ?NO

some say I can play MP3 files from DVDR. (edited by me)my apologies I stand corrected they will play on some standalones it seems!!
Booster, i have got every No1 single from 1955-to current day on one dvd, i have them in there year folder so i only have 48 folders but 900+ singles. These play fine on my Cyberhome CH 402 dvd player and i can select a year or an individual track. My Advice would be to try burning some MP3's To A re-writable if you have one and see what happens
I surely will do that. And will get back to say that I succeeded :D

It must work, could be really nice if it does.. But again, I will test it when I get my burner next week.
@stimpleton nice one how did U actually burn them to get them to play on a standalone (they play OK when burned as data on a PC)

Does the DVD play in other standalones or do U reckon they just play in yours because many have tried this & failed & it would be nice if it could be done.:)

I have tried it in the past & they will not play on both my standalones:mad:
i burned them as MP3 in there seperate year folders and then made the DVD as a standard ISO/UDF data dvd using nero. I have tried it on a previous model of Cyberhome which just played them in order, my new Cyberhome allows me to pick which year and track. I think if your standalone can manage MP3 you should be ok as its only a data CD/DVD
@The-poacher, as I said not many players can do it. In fact the Cyberhome from my recollection is one of the few that can, although it has been awhile since I looked at the issue so there may be some newer capable players out.

There are also a few players out there that will play RAW MPG's off of DVD's on such a player you can just extract the MPG's from an SVCD, burn them onto a DVDR and play them as is.

There was a nice article on why most DVD players won't play mp3 DVD's awhile ago it is the same reason why most won't play mini DVD's (CD with DVD structure). When they detect a CD or DVD then they go into DVD or CD mode. For DVD mode, they simply look for a VIDEO_TS folder, if it is not there or does not contain DVD compliant files, then you just get a disc error.

So the secret to playing mp3 DVD's is to have the right player rather than doing anything special to the actual disc.

You really should check your facts before using big, bold, red text.
I stand corrected it would appear MP3's will play on some standalones:eek:

But putting an SVCD onto a DVDR without any re encoding extracting etc will just not work
Well you have to extract.. I mean you can't copy anything if you don't extract/read it first.

The point is that with some players (Yamada 2100 for instance) you can just put the straight MPG's on a DVDR and it will play it. Hell you can probably even leave the rif header intact.


celtic_druid said:
The point is that with some players (Yamada 2100 for instance) you can just put the straight MPG's on a DVDR and it will play it. Hell you can probably even leave the rif header intact.
The Limit 9900SE will also do this, very handy facility to have I can tell you. ;)
- MPEG1/2 ISO, plays MPEG1/MPEG2 files with no authoring -

That means you can burn any mpeg file on a cd- r or dvd-r the same way you burn a normal iso/data cd. The DVD player will play it. There is no need to author the DVD/CD, you don´t have to make a VCD/SVCD or DVD) just a data cd!

- MP3 on DVD-R -

That means you can burn mp3 on a DVD-R just like you burn a iso/data dvd-r or cd-r. The DVD player will read the disk as DVD-r with MP3 and will play it. Some players are confused when the bios is reading that the disk is a DVD-R and the software loads MP3 but almost all new players haven´t that problem.
Booster it works (see replys above) but not all standalones play em

eg I have a standalone which will play MP3 on CDR but not DVDR go figure!!
_booster_ said:
Crap :(

It dosent work.. All I get is "No Play"
Booster, i dont know where you are located but i just bought myself a new DVDplayer that plays MP3`s burnt on a dVD-R with no problems at all, it`s a Cyberhome DVD 400 and it only costs £50 from WH Smiths, also palys VCD, SVCD, DVD, MP3 on CDr & raw mpegs and jpegs, its also very very small too, gonna get another two of these babys for the kids bedrooms.
tommyis3 said:
Booster, i dont know where you are located but i just bought myself a new DVDplayer that plays MP3`s burnt on a dVD-R with no problems at all, it`s a Cyberhome DVD 400 and it only costs £50 from WH Smiths, also palys VCD, SVCD, DVD, MP3 on CDr & raw mpegs and jpegs, its also very very small too, gonna get another two of these babys for the kids bedrooms.
Tommyis3 you will be lucky, these little babys dont even touch the ground before there snapped up, i thought about bying one for the car but couldnt get hold of one for love nor money but just been told they have em at fose park in Leicester J21 M1