.mp3 conversion


New member
Hi All,

Im looking for a piece of software (preferably freeware). Problem is, i dont know if it exists. Basically, what im looking for is a program in which i can import an .mp3 file, and get it to convert it to .midi, but allow me to see the midi notes on a "virtual keyboard" on the screen if you get what i mean.

I want to use it so i can import piano songs into it and get it to convert it so i can see what notes are played on a keyboard so i can play it myself!

Any help or alternative suggestions are welcome,

there is no real working tool; you know, MIDI is based on separated instruments and their played notes; no software is able to split music back in singing and back to the separate source instruments;
sometimes it's even difficult for humans to identify all the instruments; and you know how much better our brain is than a PC;

Greetings from
xSlyPandax said:
I want to use it so i can import piano songs into it and get it to convert it ...
oh, now i see it's only one instrument in your case; nevertheless the result of pino playing aren't simple tones, it's rather a mixture including resonances, interferences and dissonances; if you as piano player fail to identify, a software will fail too;
Some good sequencers (sorry to say, all commercial... Cubase, Orion, you get the picture...) allow you analyzing certain audio streams, including .mp3, as midi tracks, but nobody will guarantee that the produced midi will be usable.


New member
Yeah.. ive found a few since "WIDI Recognition" "MID Convertor" and some others and did convert it but it was awful. as it happens, 6 hours of hard work and a nice email to the composer means ive learnt the intro (melody and chords) and the chorus (only chords so far).... and so the struggle continues! its all part of the fun!

Thanks for the replies anyway guys.
