
well i just purchased it
but when i backed it up
and tryed to install i get a message
an error occured while launching the setup.
Catastrophic failure
i used clone cd with hp 9300
i've been able to do my unreal tournament
and all others too but of course i've had to use no-cd fixes to play
well any way of getting help backing up my original
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I backed mine up using the latest Alcohol 120% and it works just fine. Trying using the demo and see if that works, or try updating your CloneCD to CloneCD 4.
ok i'll get Alcohol 120% but what are the settings to use if any
please advise
the dogs never tried Alcohol 120%
iv made a backup of it a couple of days ago.MOHAA
i used clonyxx for the first time & installed clone 4.
i had never used clonyxx before & its a 2 min job just clicked to scan the original,safedisk2 came up with 8out 10 sculls.
just started clone & clonyxx was then displayed.pressed that & clone was loaded automaticaly with the clonyxx recomdation.
it read it to hd 1/2 hour per disk then burnt it in about 5 mins.
got a excellent backup then just grabed the no cd joby.
it was that easy so did max payne after also works great.
yet tried the iso with win iso & iso buster first wouldnt touch them the write pro seemed at the begining.
def recomend the spearhead addon,comes with the no cd as well.
pluss can play straight from spearhead without having to go through 1st one need to install first though,& takes 1.8g of hd.

didnt notice it was the spearhead you was backing up until after.
but its a good extra.
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So... i have this problem too with spearhead, but my original cd is stratch... (ah kids :-S)...

What can i do to resolve this problem?

