

psx_paul Charlie_ps2 doesn't look after that site anymore, but I can send you pics of a modded V7 with a M2Pro.
Ps 2 Modchip

Can any one tell me a reliable Installer in Western Australia, bought the latest Model PS2 for the kids this christmas.
Following the forum the messia 2 pro sounds a good chip (bios v1.33)

Thanks :(


ps2king said:
That site is owned my Charlie_ps2. But its too bad that he doesn't look after it anymore.
just an update. is now working. Charlie_ps2 has updated it and you can check it out for messiah questions,faqs, install diagrams and more.


New member
Chicago Mod

Did you find anyone in the Chicago area to install a mod in a PS2? I'm in the SW suburbs. Let me know if there is somewhere I can take it.


I sent a guy an email about he'll get back to me ASAP. I'll let you know. Is this address close to you by any chance?

[font=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]Address: 8315 Keating Ave[/font]

[font=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]City: Skokie, IL 60076[/font]

let me know.
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ps2king said:
just an update. is now working. Charlie_ps2 has updated it and you can check it out for messiah questions,faqs, install diagrams and more.
@ps2king, charlie_ps2 doesn't own/maintain/update
He did front the team selling chips for a while, but has very recently stepped down due to personal reasons.


New member

ps2king said:
I sent a guy an email about he'll get back to me ASAP. I'll let you know. Is this address close to you by any chance?

[font=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]Address: 8315 Keating Ave[/font]

[font=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]City: Skokie, IL 60076[/font]

let me know.
That is about an hour from me, but it would be worth the drive. I am interested in a Messiah 2 in my PS2 - Thanks