mirc eating too much memory?

hi, is it normal for mirc (sysreset 2.51) to use over 20000kb of memory??? i have 3 servers open and im in 20 channels

thx in advance
my mirc uses about 10 megs memory and i'm on 4 servers, and 25 chans, but i'm using a clean mirc with no extra scripts.
btw open another server window, connect to irc.cdrsoft.cc
channel #cdrsoft and have a nice chat !
errm I know its not the correct thread, but since your talking about mirc/ irc

has anyone been using trillain for their irc / mirc?... any troubles?

just wondering because I don't want to install mirc, and may use trillain mirc / irc to connect to irc.cdrsoft.cc?....see whats all the fuss is about :D...

any feedback would be apprciated :p