Merry Christmas to all at DVDRBASE

Duracell said:
Is there more than 1 hour time difference between UK and the continent? :p :D

Greetings from
Well, it might be a bit early, but no earlier than the Christmas Decorations in the shops...

And I don't care if "Christmas" is not politically correct ... just think how much MORE awful all those Christmas party songs would be if they had to call it whatever the latest politically correct buzzword is.

... Many apologies for drifting into politics, but if you read the UK papers, it's one load of PC garbage after another.


And to you yours. As Tiny Tim has said, "God bless us every one."

Have a wonderful Holiday season everyone! :cool:


New member
Although I'm new here, I want to wish everybody the very best for christmas and al years to come :D