members inactive accounts?

Hi, why dont you delet the accounts that someone has never logged into?, i was searching for my buddy and i scrolled through what could of been 60 pages just on "D" section, and i noticed alot of the members there have never posted anything or logged in even, so why dont you delet those accounts that have been inactive for more than 2 months or so?, because in the future when other members want to sign up they may not be able to have the name they choose because someone has it from 12 months ago that has never posted or signed in.
it may also help to clean the server up a little

BTW this was my 200th post :D
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Yep,we are constantly working on it bud.Many people just visit the forum to read though.;)

Many are not using valid email adresses,those are being removed.:)
Yep one week I remeber they got 1000 members in one week! then imagin waiting 2 months then there will be so many more members so its a big job but they have it under control :)