Mafia & Ghost Recon Bacup copy failed

I try to backup a copy of this 2 games with Nero5.9.9.17 & CloneCD ....but doesn't working....

What can i use???

Thanks Flo
what failed?

The question is:What is failing?If it's making a copy,you have a problem.If it's making a copy that works, it's easier to fix.
Go to: h**p:// w*w.**********.com and download the files called no-cd fix/fixed exe for the games and replace the gamefiles in the games directory.Voila.It works just fine.

cracks not allowed, celtic_druid
u should give some more information about ur problem but i wouldnt recommend nero use clonecd read with no settings or mbe fast error skip
burn with dont repair subchannels and always close last session
this i assume u have a sd2 compatible burner