Hi, just a question, why is it when i attempt to back up an entire dvd the lip sinc is way, way out, and to make it worse it gets further out toward the end of all the extra stuff that is on the dvd, making it almost impossible to fix and get spot on. I tried it on a few movies now but reciently with Zoolander to get all the extra bloopers and that but gave up on trying to fix the lip sinc so just cut the extra bits off. I am using Smart ripper to Rip the whole dvd and dvd2avi to convet to avi. I just keep adding all the VOB's, perhaps this is where i am going wrong. ??
I would like to back-up Dirty Dancing cause it has allot of extra footage in it but dont want to waste my time if the lip sinc is going to be way out again.
I would like to back-up Dirty Dancing cause it has allot of extra footage in it but dont want to waste my time if the lip sinc is going to be way out again.