Linspire 5.0 discount (free) code

Mainstream commercial Debian Sarge/SID with click'n'point support... worth the money?
Naah... Kanotix supports click'n'point and it's absolutely FREE of charge.
The only commercial Linux distro worth considering buying is Xandros (also Debian) due to the exchellent Xandros filemanager, but even that does not justify the pricetag over a regular FREE Linux Debian desktop...
works fine LTR thanks ....and just to add here theres a few promotional codes for this and they are provided by linspire oddly enough !? :) as a way of gettin linspire out there :)

the one offered is the 4.5 and the current is v5 :)


New member
Hi! New to this forum..

Bout Linspire.. Downloaded it and installed it.. Okey.. it works... but i you want anything and i meen anuthing.. It cost extra money... I would have to pay extra just to get swedish language