LindowsOS due to hit retail shelves

Software buyers may be doing a double take in retail stores over the coming months as they see Microsoft's familiar Windows operating system (OS) sitting next to the new OS from Inc.

That's because the renegade Linux-based software vendor kicked off its LindowsOS reseller program Monday, in what it said would be the beginning of its entry into the retail marketplace.

Lindows, which is being sued by Microsoft for trademark infringement, had previously sold its OS bundled with low-cost PCs or via download from the company's site. However, the company's move into retail stores raises the bar in its battle with Microsoft, putting it on the same shelves as the software giant's dominant OS.

Lindows is offering its LindowsOS 3.0 Membership Edition for a flat US$129 fee. The software license includes a one-year membership to the company's "Click-N-Run Warehouse" of software offerings that users can download to customize their PCs.

LindowsOS is also compatible with Microsoft Windows files, making it even more of a thorn in the side of the software titan.

More information on the US company's reseller program can be found at
Thats good news I hope they do well, Microsoft needs a good poke in the eye to wake them selves up that a monopoly doesnt last for ever.