Just to many problems!!!

Well after about 10 different DVDs and still can't get this program to work, I have decided to ask for a refund, ($23.98). I just don't have the time lately to do post release beta testing. If you get the bugs ironed out (hope you do) then I might reregister but until that time I will sit back and read the forums and monitor progress. Don't get me wrong this program works fine for most but it doesn't work for me. Thanks!
JHMac said:
Well after about 10 different DVDs and still can't get this program to work, I have decided to ask for a refund, ($23.98). I just don't have the time lately to do post release beta testing. If you get the bugs ironed out (hope you do) then I might reregister but until that time I will sit back and read the forums and monitor progress. Don't get me wrong this program works fine for most but it doesn't work for me. Thanks!
It's a shame you have decided to ask for a refund so early before we could address any bugs but if you want your money back I have no issues with that

just PM with your name and payment details

I will hold out a little longer and see if these bugs can be taken care of, as long as you offer me the refund later if we do not get this working for me. I want this to work but I am getting so fraustrated with it... Will try Charlie's Angels Full throttle tonight.


I will hold out a little longer and see if these bugs can be taken care of, as long as you offer me the refund later if we do not get this working for me. I want this to work but I am getting so fraustrated with it... Will try Charlie's Angels Full throttle tonight.
Just out of curiosity, what kind of bugs are you talking about? I mean, there is the ifoedit bug, which by the looks of it will be gone in the shortly upcoming release. But even now, there is manual workaround for that and most of the ones reported in the forum.
So what other isssues do you have? as others also have temporary fixes
I understand that betatesting is not your thing, but help us help you :)


New member
Arianos said:
I mean, there is the ifoedit bug, which by the looks of it will be gone in the shortly upcoming release. But even now, there is manual workaround for that and most of the ones reported in the forum.
Please Arianos, if there is a workaround for me, how to get through ifoedit without hickups and to the end with the completed files in the Destionation folder, PLEASE do share that info with me. I just cant find it!
Hi all

firstly, this is not directed at anyone but I thought it better I mention it in this thread as most will read it who do have issues

think back to other pieces of software that were first released and the bugs they encountered

I remember quite a few and some took a lot longer than a few days to come up with fixes :)

so if people can just bear with it for now as I'm sure most will then we'll come up with the answers but please don't start asking when it will be fixed or released. We do read the threads and are fully aware of every issue raisd. There is no need to post a reply within a few hours asking for anwers to your problem or use the PM's as we will answer in the forums where everyone can see but we can't be here 24/7. Even if we don't reply, that doesn't mean we haven't read the post and are looking into it. I will try to keep you informed as much as possible as I'm dropping hints to some updates for issues even now as I have no problems sharing development with you all

You guys are part of this project and some have followed it from the beginning and supported us all the way and I hope we can repay you by making things simple and quick so you have more time to enjoy other things in life

we're just the same as you guys remember, not some faceless company or developer who is just after the money. We will treat you in the same way as we would like to be treat ourselves and will do our best to satisfy you all

We have always known people may not like the software for one reason or another but that happens with everything I suppose. People even have issues with the freebies such as DVDShrink and pester him about updates and fixes etc and I can imagine how he feels

bear with us for now until we get over the initial teething problems

cheers and thanks for listening :)
JvD said:
Please Arianos, if there is a workaround for me, how to get through ifoedit without hickups and to the end with the completed files in the Destionation folder, PLEASE do share that info with me. I just cant find it!
here is the info from this THREAD with the temporary solution. Did you not check your PM's JvD?
Quote: Originally Posted by DenFussell


I just tried another movie, Fried Green Tomatos, and had a strange occurrence. I deleted a lot of items and then pressed process. It did it's thing and when it started IFOEdit, IFOEdit just sat there displaying it's vobxtras screen, I typed in the correct path which had not been passed from DVDSTR, then OK, then it displayed the STRIP VOB screen, I pressed QUIT, DVDSTR then restarted IFOEdit and has gone on to process the balance of the disc. The finished product plays fine on PowerDVD.

I looks as though there are still issues lingering in the passing of variables to IFOEdit.

lol, thats the guide I was going to do yesterday but forgot about it

that's all you do, put the path in and continue it manually. Untick autcopy menu files if it is selected but you can leave everything else that is checked and click OK

remember to click CHECK ALL when the strip streams screen is up, then when you finally quit Ifoedit, DVDStripper will take over again

thanks for posting as it's guys like you that will help others who have issues
