Ifoedit.ini caution....

rickten said:
what values should x and y be in the .ini file if I"m running at 1280x960, which by the way is true 4:3 ratio while 1280x1024 is not.
PM me your email and I'll send you an INI file

people must ensure that they use one of the INI's and put this extracted file (not folder) into the Windows directory
Win 2003

Should the ifoedit.ini file go into Windows directory on the OS drive (not always C:, you know) or should it go into the Windows directory in the user's Documents And Settings directory. Windows 2003 preserves the original Windows directory (more or less) in it's pristine state by creating a Windows directory for each user in Documents and Settings. I'd trya nd answer this question my self through trial and error, but right now I'm only getting the error part ;)

I guess I could replace one of the IfoEdit.ini files with a different resolution file and see which one is actually used... I'll get back to y'all on that.
timekills said:
Should the ifoedit.ini file go into Windows directory on the OS drive (not always C:, you know) or should it go into the Windows directory in the user's Documents And Settings directory. Windows 2003 preserves the original Windows directory (more or less) in it's pristine state by creating a Windows directory for each user in Documents and Settings. I'd trya nd answer this question my self through trial and error, but right now I'm only getting the error part ;)

I guess I could replace one of the IfoEdit.ini files with a different resolution file and see which one is actually used... I'll get back to y'all on that.
the new version does not require the INI file putting anywhere

just delete the current INI file in your windows folder :)

what is your actual Windows path and not the one in your documents and settings?

what do you mean by windows 2003? :). Is that windows server 2003?
MackemX said:
what is your actual Windows path and not the one in your documents and settings?

what do you mean by windows 2003? :). Is that windows server 2003?
On this computer it is C:\Windows, and yes, server 2003, albeit in workstation configuration. I chose to use this computer because my Windows directory is on the C drive - on two of my servers this is not the case.