Ifoedit.ini caution....


New member
First, I am a buyer and want/need this program to work flawlessly.

Ifoedit is great but removing stuff and correcting navigation with Ifoedit requires a lot of experience and luck.

As the guide says, make sure you put the IFoedit.ini for the proper screen resolution in the Windows directory or you will have trouble getting Ifoedit to auto-run as controlled by DVDStripper.

I also think that If you use ifoedit especially another version of Ifoedit between DVDStripper runs that the Ifoedit.ini (in Windows dir) will be modified and thus screw up the DVDStripper auto-run. Maybe DVDStyripper needs to replace the Ifoedit.ini every time it starts.

It appears to me that the Ifoedit auto-run procedure while quite clever is currently very fragile. After 20 attempts on three different DVDs, I have only sucessfully stripped only one DVD and that was on a emergency IFoedit restart.

Make sure that all three directories are clear when starting DVDStripper.

On failed runs, DVDStripper seems to be keeping the user specified file locations somewhere. These prior run file locations are not completely cleared by restarting DVDStripper with NEW user specified locations. I have had previous destination file locations show up in Ifoedit auto-run. It appears the only way to really clear this retained file location memory is by using the DVDStripper exit button.

Any comments from developer?

show me a program that works flawlessly on first release, but I hope in time we give you what you want and you are completely satisfied and I do hope you can bear with us for now :)

in the guide it states you use Ifoedit v0.95 and even if you do use another version it will not affect DVDStripper as long as you have used the INI's from the guide

I am busy making a guide that will assist the failed runs so it gets back on track and this will help elimnate issues related to failed runs :)

it's a shame you are experiencing such a high rate of failures but I'm sure we will be able to fix it :)

it's strange how you say you specify the new paths yet it doesn't work.DVDStripper does remember the paths but it's always best that you remap the 3 paths, TEMP,DEST,BACKUP upon startup

thanks for detailed feedback as without it we will get nowhere :)


I have the same problem as Oldeman.
After Its finished decrypting the files and I've selected what files I want to remove and hit the process button. Ifoedit starts but it just hangs there doing nothing. It creates the Audio_ts & Video_ts folder and backups the removed files but nothing else. I've tried using the emergengy Ifo processing tool, but the same thing happens. When you close down Iofedit you get the error message 'Run time error 53. I have nothing else running in the background and I've got a P4 3 GHz pc so I think there should be enough processing power.
any ideas MackemX ?

we are looking into this and in the middle of testing something

I hope you can bear with us in the meantime :)


New member
MackemX said:
we are looking into this and in the middle of testing something

I hope you can bear with us in the meantime :)
Thanks MackemX for looking into this. I've the exact problem as SPURDOG. I posted my problem in another thread. I guess it is the wrong thread for my error.
o00o_o00o said:
Thanks MackemX for looking into this. I've the exact problem as SPURDOG. I posted my problem in another thread. I guess it is the wrong thread for my error.
I have had the same problem and was only able to clear it by re-copying the IFOEdit.ini file into the windows directory again, overwriting the one left by DVDStripper and it's process.

It would appear that this problem may have to do with the way DVDSTR is terminating IFOEdit and is, as Oldeman suggests, leaving something behind in the IFOEdit.ini file that is corrupting the automation process.

After mine finishes the process it's running now, I'll compare the two and see if I can figure out what gives.
It would appear I leaped to the wrong conclusion and committed a grievous sin by changing more than one variable at a time in the troubleshooting process.

Subsequent tests indicate that the IFOEdit.ini file is not modified by DVDSTR & it's process.

It would appear that even though DVDSTR displays the correct path information in it's GUI at startup, you need to remap the temporary and working directory each time you initialize it.

This seems to indicate that unless you remap these paths, the path information is not being passed to IFOEdit, hence the error messages when IFOEdit tries to run and it doesn't know where to look to find a file or to write a file.

Seems someone forgot to initialize a variable in the code in the startup process.

This should be done or the GUI displays should start up blank to force the user to remap the path info.
DenFussell said:
Seems someone forgot to initialize a variable in the code in the startup process.
so that's why you didn't tell me ;)

keep the feedback and bug fixes coming as it's a great help to us elimating the 1st release bugs :)

p.s. the Ifoedit.INI has nothing to do with the path though :)


New member
Well Done!

DenFussell said:
It would appear I leaped to the wrong conclusion and committed a grievous sin by changing more than one variable at a time in the troubleshooting process.

Subsequent tests indicate that the IFOEdit.ini file is not modified by DVDSTR & it's process.

It would appear that even though DVDSTR displays the correct path information in it's GUI at startup, you need to remap the temporary and working directory each time you initialize it.

This seems to indicate that unless you remap these paths, the path information is not being passed to IFOEdit, hence the error messages when IFOEdit tries to run and it doesn't know where to look to find a file or to write a file.

Seems someone forgot to initialize a variable in the code in the startup process.

This should be done or the GUI displays should start up blank to force the user to remap the path info.
DenFussell, good job!!! I think u have really nailed it down. B'cos for both DVD's I did, I quited after DVDStripper ripped the DVD's to the HD (I had other things to do). So when I'd done taking care of other stuff and turned my laptop on and started DVDStripper to continue by clicking the "Process" button, the error is waiting for me. :(

Anyway, let me try n c. I'll post my finding later. Crossing my fingers. :)

I just tried another movie, Fried Green Tomatos, and had a strange occurrence. I deleted a lot of items and then pressed process. It did it's thing and when it started IFOEdit, IFOEdit just sat there displaying it's vobxtras screen, I typed in the correct path which had not been passed from DVDSTR, then OK, then it displayed the STRIP VOB screen, I pressed QUIT, DVDSTR then restarted IFOEdit and has gone on to process the balance of the disc. The finished product plays fine on PowerDVD.

I looks as though there are still issues lingering in the passing of variables to IFOEdit.
DenFussell said:

I just tried another movie, Fried Green Tomatos, and had a strange occurrence. I deleted a lot of items and then pressed process. It did it's thing and when it started IFOEdit, IFOEdit just sat there displaying it's vobxtras screen, I typed in the correct path which had not been passed from DVDSTR, then OK, then it displayed the STRIP VOB screen, I pressed QUIT, DVDSTR then restarted IFOEdit and has gone on to process the balance of the disc. The finished product plays fine on PowerDVD.

I looks as though there are still issues lingering in the passing of variables to IFOEdit.
lol, thats the guide I was going to do yesterday but forgot about it

that's all you do, put the path in and continue it manually but remember to click CHECK ALL when the strip streams screen is up, then when you finally quit Ifoedit, DVDStripper will take over again

thanks for posting as it's guys like you that will help others who have issues



I've sorted out my problem where IFOEdit hangs when you hit the process button. If you make sure you only move the IFOEdit.init text file into the main Windows directory and not the folder which contains it. It works like a charm (for me that is). Maybe I was doing it wrong in the first place or maybe you could make it a bit clearer in the guide.

A good feature that could be added in this tool is if you can load files into DVDStripper directly from the hardrive instead of going through DVD Decrypter first. This would be useful if you already have decypted files on your hardrive (as I do). Looks an excellent tool though, keep up the excellent work.


I've sorted out my problem where IFOEdit hangs when you hit the process button. If you make sure you only move the IFOEdit.init text file into the main Windows directory and not the folder which contains it. It works like a charm (for me that is). Maybe I was doing it wrong in the first place or maybe you could make it a bit clearer in the guide.

A good feature that could be added in this tool is if you can load files into DVDStripper directly from the hardrive instead of going through DVD Decrypter first. This would be useful if you already have decypted files on your hardrive (as I do). Looks an excellent tool though, keep up the excellent work.



I must make this clearer in the guide that you must copy only the actual extracted Ifoedit.INI file and not folder for your resolution into the Windows folder as that's probably why you had issues

thanks for telling us and can everyone check they are doing this the correct way as I wonder how many more have done this

cheers :)


New member
o00o_o00o said:
DenFussell, good job!!! I think u have really nailed it down. B'cos for both DVD's I did, I quited after DVDStripper ripped the DVD's to the HD (I had other things to do). So when I'd done taking care of other stuff and turned my laptop on and started DVDStripper to continue by clicking the "Process" button, the error is waiting for me. :(

Anyway, let me try n c. I'll post my finding later. Crossing my fingers. :)
Ok guys, I have to revise my last posting about DenFussell's finding had nailed down Run-time Error 53. No, it is not the case! Actually, DVDStripper is doing just fine mapping to the right path each time it restarts/initializes => the GUI info is right and the path mapping for all folders is IN FACT correct, remapping is not necessary (for my laptop).

I did however found the cause of Error 53 for my case. To make the story short, the IFOEdit v0.95 exe file in my laptop is IFOEdit095.exe. It was named that way since months ago when I started using the app. I think I might have renamed it from its original name to differentiate it from IFOEdit v0.91 exe which is located in the same directory. So when I set the IFOEdit location for DVDStripper, nothing was shown in the source directory where IFOEdit is. But when I typed in the first alphabet of the file name, IFOEdit095.exe, the name appeared. I went ahead and select it and clicked 'Open'. It seemed to work but NO NO. So, what I did was renamed IFOEdit095.exe to IFOEdit.exe and bang, DVDStripper works its charm when I clicked 'Process'.

I however encountered the same IFOEdit 'hang' as mentioned by DenFussell. I have to manually select the destination directory (which I chosed VIDEO_TS) in the Vob extra screen. I didn't clicked CHECK ALL, I just continued the process as was. So I guess I should go back and redo the whole thing. :(

But at least DVDStripper is working now. :)
@o00o_o00o, nice to see you managed to overcome it :)

as for the hanging, we are looking at it and I'm sure we'll crack it soon but the manual path setting will work for now :D
MackemX said:

I must make this clearer in the guide that you must copy only the actual extracted Ifoedit.INI file and not folder for your resolution into the Windows folder as that's probably why you had issues

thanks for telling us and can everyone check they are doing this the correct way as I wonder how many more have done this

cheers :)
I did copy only the IFOEdit.ini file into the windows directory in the beginning, and I still get the IFOEdit hangup.


New member
MackemX said:
@o00o_o00o, nice to see you managed to overcome it :)

as for the hanging, we are looking at it and I'm sure we'll crack it soon but the manual path setting will work for now :D
MackemX, should I leave everything in the VOB Extra screen as they r besides locating the destination directory as VIDEO_TS? "Auto Copy Menu-files to destination" is checked, should I leave it alone too?
o00o_o00o said:
MackemX, should I leave everything in the VOB Extra screen as they r besides locating the destination directory as VIDEO_TS? "Auto Copy Menu-files to destination" is checked, should I leave it alone too?
untick autcopy menu files if it is selected but you can leave everything else :)


New member
what values should x and y be in the .ini file if I"m running at 1280x960, which by the way is true 4:3 ratio while 1280x1024 is not.