If Battlefield 1942 jumps back to desktop...

I just bought the original Battlefield 1942.. after installing it and trying to run it, the screen just flashed and went back to the desktop.

i did this to fix it...

open the VideoDefault.con file where BF1942 is installed and edit the line

renderer.allowAllRefreshRates 0


renderer.allowAllRefreshRates 1

it's pretty shoddy programming if u ask me! it looks like it locks the refresh to 60Hz! which is a bitch if ur running at 100Hz!!!

btw. i still had to do this after the 1.1 update patch!

I had the similar problem running Sudden Strike 2 on Window 98 SE as soon as I clicked start the game it just went back to the desktop so I tried to run the game again in XP and my problem has gone. It could be I'm using the Nvidia XP Detonator's driver instead of the Asus 7100 drivers.