I don't think the problem is just with XP

seb said:
Hmmm, i wud use the newer (& bigger) drive for the OS (winxp) and the smaller 1 for backup purposes. The newer drive is supposed to b quicker :)
I agree besides 2 or 3 gb can run out quickly using XP, just windows takes out about 1gb then add a few apps or maybe a game and then you´ll be out of space again.
better get the bigger drive for xp,which already takes about approx +1Gb fresh installation just by itself
disabling 'system restore' can free up space,but it depends on u if u really use it
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My system restore isn't even working. Says there's not enough space to run it. I'm just getting thoroughly confused. When I installed XP, it didn't give me a choice of drives to put it on. CD-RW not working. IE not working. Sound works when it feels like it. I was looking at reformatting instructions, and am more confused than ever. This has been a 6 hour exploration for me today. I am frustrated and ready to do the girl thing...cry. I don't even know the right questions to ask any more. Maybe I better give it a break for today, and go watch those hamsters again.
It´s really simple, first set your bigger hard disk as your c: unit by placing it in the primary IDE channel as master, then boot with the WinXP cd and when you get to the part where it asks where to install then delete all the partitions in the c: drive (be sure that you don´t have any important data in it), and create a new one, select NTFS and proceed with the rest of the installation.

You shoudn´t have any problems, if at some point asks you to repair an old installation of windows just choose continue with the installation of a new fresh installment.
Well my XP had a 700mb pagefile & 680mb hiberfil sys file, now it a 100 & hiber off saving a lot of space (for those of us that not got huge HD) :)

BaNzI :D
banzibaby said:
(for those of us that not got huge HD) :)

BaNzI :D
Banzi, I'm sorry about your hard drive. :(
Everyone, I think what I have decided to do is just completely remove the c drive that is on there. The space on it isn't even really necessary to me. Then go back to WIN98, which NEVER gave me such a hard time with things.
if it's well setup ,think it's gonna b ok...just recommend her the most user friend linux distros,like mandrake or suse,or y not lindows?:D
serjer said:
if it's well setup ,think it's gonna b ok...just recommend her the most user friend linux distros,like mandrake or suse,or y not lindows?:D
All I know is I already have everything I need to set up 98, ME or XP. I'll have to read up more on Linux, because I don't know anyone who uses it.
1: throw away your ME disc
2: celebrate your freedom from ME

One very quick way to format hdd is to surf to to manufacture of the hdd you what to format, they should have some sort of tool kit in there support section that would help you format.
I have found that trying to format with the xp disc not too helpful, sometimes even get a dual boot trying that method.
However, as everyone has said,you should make your larger dive primary!
1: open up pc switch the ide cabels (vise-versa) you may have to actually remove to drives and config. the jumpers so that the bigger drive is Primary and smaller drive is slave. just get a flashlite so that you can see the jumpers and the pins>goto drive manufacture for detail on how to conf. for second drive. (sometimes refered to as Dual Boot System) but your not going to actually have a second OS, just a second drive at this point.
2: boot with (hopefully drive manufature tools) this will probally be small enough that you will be booting from floppy. Or if you can't find tool from manufacture, use a Partioning proggy like Partion Magic or I suppose your XP disc. I use a small proggy from Maxtor to format all my drives even though there not all the same brand ie: Maxtors Quantom Fireball & Western Digital the same program works for them & Seagate drives I Know for sure. It's free from Maxtor.
3: follow instruction on booted disc. If you use the Maxtor vers. just answer YES to all the questions that it asks. And them pick the drive you what to format, go to the low-level format option answer YES (all caps). and it will do the rest. This "low-level" format writes the disc to 0's & 1's Just as it came straight out of the box new. If you use some other partion proggy you will have to consult there instructions, on how to format a Hdd. and how to make & size new partions.
3: Make sure you can boot from cd-rom (change in the Bios if needed) Boot from your XP cd, when it asks you witch hdd you would like to format pick the Primary drive, then format to NTFS (not quick format) when completed your computer will reboot(leave the XP cd in) and XP will start to install.
4: Set up OS to your likeing.
5 after you have retreived your files off the smaller (slave) drive you can format it. via the MS dos prompt found in the progams menu under accessories or Run>cmd {enter}.type format d: It will ask if really really really what to do this anwser, Y. this will format the D drive to Fat witch can be revised to ntfs using the XP cd or other software. If the partion has been formated to ntfs allready then you will have to use you tool kit again. but hopefully it is FAT and you won't have to go though all this s**t again :)

The method I use here is a long route but is a sure fire way to clean your Hdd. I do this because it is a "low-level format" so that I am sure Nothing has been left behind. After this if I'm still haveing problems I look in different direction (bad Hdd, Bad Ram mod) in both cases I test with software booted from floppy (Dos proggys) they don't depend on OS to function.
Hope this has been some help. If you run into prob. pm me and I can try to help more.
Bty I would stick to MS Windows for now. Linux (now I'm going to get crap) "even mandrake" can take alot of computer knowledge just to install correctly and then config. to your likeing.
My advise is get a OS up and running. Then if your interested; try a dual boot with Linux installed on seperate drive. NOT on the same drive w/different partion. (U B in same boat as now if something goes wrong) plus if you don't like it you can fomat drive back to NTFS, BUT you will have to replace the bootloader with MS bootloader because it lies in the primary drive. and the MS bootloader will have been replaced with Grub or Lilo bootloader. If Linux was installed after Windows.