How to get Nero to report actual burn speeds

I know i read that this can be done on another cd forum, however i have made cdrbase my home and lost my other bookmarks to other cd burner forums.


It seems like I have recently seen this, also. I will search through my regular forums and post back if I find a thread on this.

My first stop will be CDFreaks as I think this is most likely the place for this information. It is a great site that you should bookmark.
Here ya go

I am quoting G@M3FR3@K at CDFreaks forum. He quotes RaMaTz from CDRLabs.

"I read this tip on the forum by a member called RaMaTz. By changing a value in your registry you can make Nero Burning Rom show you the actual write speed (instead of the speed you selected). I tested this with Windows XP and Nero verson and it works great. Here is how to do it. Pics were made by me, credits go fully to RaMaTz: "

Start Regedit via 'Start, Run, Regedit'. The Registry Editor will be started. Now go to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Recorder':

The DWORD value in this screenshot has already been changed to 1, in your screen it will probably be 0


pic #3

Now set the value 0 to 1 as already done in the screenshot above (Value data). Press ok. Now just burn with Nero. Below a screenshot of the actual write speed now shown in Nero. These are two screenshots of the same write process. As you can see the speed changes from 16x to 20x (which is the max for this recorder).



Final quote from G@M3FR3@K

"A very neat trick as I see it. Give it a try! Now you will be able to tell the actual write speed instead of having to guess from the write time."

This exact information is posted by G@M3FR3@K at the CDFreaks forums. So, if you join then have a look here:

It was taken from a post by RaMaTz at the CDRLabs forum. That thread can be found at:
Great piece of information- although completely useless for me. Nero is in my ignore list- probably permanently.
Thanks a lot, Wedge.
altho rasta did POST IT BEFORE

A BIG THANKS go out here to WEDGE who gave the time and effort here to provide screen grabs in detail thanks bud posts like these are appreciated as some people FEAR THE WRATH of registery editing :confused: this is CLEAR and informative way of doing it CORRECTLY thanks again bud :)
Thanks VIPER

Thanks Viper, but the credit should belong to G@M3FR3@K over at cdfreaks. These are shots that HE took and posted. I simply saved them and posted here.
Very nice. I have seen the thread, which describes this before (maybe the Rasta's thread) and I have saved those info. But now I am not able to set it. Does it work in new versions of Nero?
I have done it, when it was posted first and everything went OK, but since i upgraded Nero to any of newer versions, it doesn't work for me.
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Nero v5.5.9.9.

Got Nero Can't find the mentioned REG_DWORD anywhere. (Don't know how to insert images in the message, so can't show you how my reg looks like:( )
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insert image

Just use the "browse" button below the box where you type in your new message for the post. Browse to the picture you want to display before clicking "submit reply".

That should do it unless your picture is too big, in which case, you should use a picture editor to lower the resolution to 72 or 96 (the most common jpeg sizes for sending pics through the net).