How to enter bios?

Just got myself a new 3.20 gig computer.

It boots up so fast that I cannot read any details on what key to press to enter the bios.

I have tried various keys and nothing works. On my previous computers it was always the "del" key.

Anone know a list of possible keys which may give me entry to the bios?

By the way, the keyboard is a usb one. Would I be right in guessing that the keyboard would not be detected at that early stage, so perhaps I need to use a normal ps2 keybord to enter the bios?

try F2 as some systems use that to enter whats also called POST :) its the bios really just the same thing :)

also note here you can pause the info on bootup with the space bar :)

try that :)
Try Using One Of The Function Keys....

If I Were You I`d Keep Pressing Eash One In Turn On Each
Consecutive Reset

If That Doesnt Work Uplug Your Hard Drives So It Can`t Boot
Windows And Keep Trying.... :d
Thanks guys,

Tried every function key and nothing.

tried spacebar, and it gives me a choice of boot up methods.

No entry to the bios.

The computer is an "advent 3517a" 3.20 gig pc world's own make I believe.

Looks like I will have to contact them.

I think you will find it is normally 'F1' to get into the bios of an Advent PC.
Check on their website to verify this.
With PC's this fast, it is down to critical timing as to when you press the key.
Also , once you get into the bios, these pc's often have the option to turn of their own boot logo which hides all of the 'post' (boot screen). These screens may look good , but hide any hardware problems that may arise.
If the spacebar does not work to pause the boot process, I have had luck in using the pause/break key. Also, most computers will continue to boot regardless of most errors, however if you press and hold a key down on the keyboard the machine will detect a keyboard error and usually stop there. Another way to sometimes pause at an error is to disconnect the floppy drive although this works only if 'floppy seek' is enabled in the bios (which most prebuilt systems are).
Managed to get a downloadable manual for my motherboard.

the key that allows entry to the bios, is "del"

I tried that on the first and many occasions as it was the key that worked in my previous computer, it did not work.

I got in by stabbing like a wood pecker at the key as the computer booted up.

this machine is so fast at boot up, that is the only way to do it.
heheh glad you figured it bud :)

now all ya need is a remote button presser then it will save on the wear on your finger lol :)