How do I put Linux on with XP ?

I have two 80gig drives. One is virtually empty, both are partitioned in to 3.
I would like to try out Linux by putting it on one of the partitions of my 2nd drive. Yet when I try to do so, it shows 2 full drives (and I cant tell one from the other) and not the partitions, and asks if I want to use THIS HD for installation. Fact is I dont want the full HD used on Linux (Its Lycoris by the way) Can anyone guide me through it if possible, I'd like to put it on the 2nd partition, its blank and 30gig. Should be more than enough, eh ? ;)
you can t have a drive formated in ntfs. M$ has not published the way ntfs work or something like that, therefore it is impossible for linux to read it, 8 mac os x can neither ) just reformat the hd with fat either 32 or "normal" one and everything should be working.

by the way great choice. .-D
Thanks Poko. Interesting stuff (baffled by some, but interesting !:))

I tried again after changing to Fat32, but the same problems occured. I found no way to direct the installation to a fat32 partition and it wanted to use the whole disk. Only WHICH disk ? I may have to pull the power lead out of the XP used one, and try again. Only it says to use Lycoris to partition which I DONT want. I just want it to use that one damn partition. Thats all. :confused:
Make whatever amount of space on your hdd UNFORMATTED. Let Linux install do the rest. That works for me, but I have never used Lycoris flavor. Hope that helps.

I have put Linux on, and it looks very good. However when I start my comp, THAT starts and I want it to go through XP, double booting - it isnt even bloody mentioned, and it goes directly to the Lycoris screen asking if I want to use Lycoris or NT (XP) or NT1 (search me ! :confused:) anmd you've got 2 seconds to decide ! I would like it to open up in XP with the choice of XP or Linux, with XP as the default. How can I do this ?
Oh - one last thing - The Linux partition isnt registered in "My Computer - it should be shouldn't it ? :confused:
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Phil K said:
I would like it to open up in XP with the choice of XP or Linux, with XP as the default. How can I do this ?
I know this option comes up in the beginning of a Red Hat install. Did you load GRUB or LILO? Windows won't be able to see your Linux partition.

I'll have a look around Poko, thanks.
Strype - sorry, I dunno.
One other thing - for some reason, it wont load the other cd's I have with other progs on - dont know if the CD's are knackered (dont think so though) or a glitch somewhere. Also cant get on the net at the moment. I think one of the cards is disabled, but dont know how to ENABLE them ! Still, early days, and I dont know what the f*** I'm looking for, or at ! Confused more than a bit ! But its a nice looking OS, no doubt.

Got it sorted, just using XP as the default. Also managed to sort out using internet on Lycoris. Only problem now is I need anh ID to use Lycoris's downloads !

And Strype - it was GRUB.
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