Help Required with Windows ME

I am asking for a friend, the computer boots up fine but as soon as they try to go into a photo editing package the computor stops dead and the only way to do anything is to press the reset button. i loaded windows me over the top of there existing setup but this didnt help either although we managed to burn a cd.
Does anybody have a similar experience or know of any fix, i know its a shot in the dark but any help will do.

intel celeron 600mz
128mb dram
7gb hdd 15% used

could it be that photo editing is so procesor hungry that it over heats?
Hi M8.Did Ur pal have a scanner attached at one point?
Me only suggestion woulb be 2 uninstall the photo editor & try a different package or prog.The reasomn i ask about scanner, me cousin had 1, then sold it, but he never removed the drivers 4 it, so whenever he loaded Paint Shop Pro, it would hang the system cause it looking 4 scanner that no longer there.Uninstalling the drivers helped him.When U say stops dead, can U move the mouse or is everything frozen

Plenty more knowlegable folks(more than me) will prob reply 2 U
I dont do much image editing

Well I'm sure most would agree get rid of Windows ME, is he over-clocking the celeron?
From experience I know that the majority of these processors clock to 900 with adequate cooling and possibly increasing the core voltage slightly. On the subject of cooling clocked or not make sure the processor cooling fan is working, basically check to make sure the processor has sufficient heat paste etc.

Once this is eliminated then start looking for possible software issues, what is this software he's using? Mind you for photo editing software 128mb RAM is a bit measly, he could use much as he can install and afford.

You say you managed to burn a CD, this sounds like there are more problems than with this editing software.
Get all the windows updates and tell us if there are any more issues.
well i asked the questions,
No hese not overclocking
he has just installed the photo software (Epson photo quicker and all the gumf that comes with Epson)
he has a scanner but never been able to install as the machine freezes before he can do anything
my theory is that it all worked before he loaded the Epson stuff so get rid of it or spend a few bob on some more ram , or let the baby pour tea onto the MB ( insurance)

upgrading to XP, his machine is so old nothing is compatible

cheers for the help