Help please - W98 Saved-Mode

Moin, Moin !

Please help me !

Since a long time I wanted to start Windows 98 II in the saved mode (in German: abgesicherter Modus) - Selection 3 in Windows boot-menu.

But after a few seconds Windows is declaring:

Windows XMS-driver version 3.95 extended memory spezification...
Unreliable XMS-memory (storage) at the adress xxxx (in German: Unzuverlässiger XMS-Speicher bei Adresse xxxx)
XMS-memory (storage) not installed

I can't continue starting Windows in the saved mode.

When I start Windows in the normal mode this error doesn't appear and everything is ok.

Please, can someone help me !?

Excuse my bad English.

Gott ist tot (Nietzsche).
Nietzsche ist tot (Gott).
Seems to me that your himem.sys, in safe mode is trying to acces defect or bad parts of your memory. Try to take out one and one memory brick from your computer, to dicover which one is bad, or use a test program like check it to find the bad part...

If you want to use checkit, search the forum.
Moin, Moin !

Thank you very much for your quick help, svgusta !!!

The contacts of one memory brick were oxidized a little. I've cleaned them.

Now I can start again W98 II in the saved mode.

Gott ist tot (Nietzsche).
Nietzsche ist tot (Gott).
Free ram test program at "DocMemory" is what you're after


Download signin is syntax validated ONLY!.
Moin, Moin !


"I like the fine art of reading......"

What does that mean ? Is that ironic ?
I'm German and don't understand that. Have I written something wrong ?

Gott ist tot (Nietzsche).
Nietzsche ist tot (Gott).
paula said:
Moin, Moin !


"I like the fine art of reading......"

What does that mean ? Is that ironic ?
I'm German and don't understand that. Have I written something wrong ?

Gott ist tot (Nietzsche).
Nietzsche ist tot (Gott).

Yes, that's ironic, but that's not about you. SHURE.

:D :cool:

P.S. In english the "Saved" mode is know how "Safe" mode.
Only to you learn a little bit more.:cool: