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Mandrake is the easiest, has the most bells + whistles, while RedHat tends to be more tested and less cutting edge (for corporations, etc).

You may try Knoppix, which is a live linux on cd. You boot and run right from the cd. Don't even need a HD in the system. Full GUI (Debian X-windows), wireless support, Open Office, etc. Good way to learn Linux without having to install it.


Staff member
Knoppix is properly the easisest way to get in touch with linux, you just insert the CD and boot it up ..
No changes will be made to your HDD, so .. play around and look into this "new" world ...
One thing: Knoppix is shipped with KDE, which is the standard desktop for SuSE and some other distros, if you would like to see GNome, which is the standard desktop in the RedHat distro, look for Gnoppix ! :)

Enjoy ...