Ghost Recon/Safedisc 2 - LiteOn

I've got a Lite On 48125W. Using CloneCD Seems I read this is the best version and not to use 4.x (maybe this was for LiteOn's only)?

Anyway, in CCD, are these the correct settings?

Read speed - 4x
Fast error skip - checked.
FES - 0 retries, Error correction - what should this be?

Read subchannel on data and audio - not checked?
Intelligent bad sector scanner - not checked?

speed - max
mode - RAW DAO
Buffer Underrun - checked
Always close last session - checked

Don't repair subchannel data - not checked.
(AWS greyed out)

Are these correct?

Should I be reading w/ my Toshiba DVDROM SD-M1402 instead?

Should I be using Alcohol now instead of CloneCD?

Can I ask about ClonyXXL here?
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See the methods set out here. They work for any version of safedisc released to date.

If you must use ccd, all you need is FES on for the read and burn using Raw Dao. You don't need AWS with your burner. Of course, if it's sd 2.8 and not some earlier version, your copy might not work.
Thanks but those methods are for ccd 4 since mine doesnt have profiles. And the methods are for using fireburner to burn (cue sheet). Also they don't mention what the FES sub settings should be.
And Ghost Recon isn't SD 2.8.
Just to be clear, I'm talking about FES's sub settings (the Fast Error Skip Settings button) - # of retries, none/hardware/software. That what you meant? Not subchannel data.
# of retries - 0
error correction (for Lite-on) - hardware
Now, why don't you just try it? Test with rewritable if you're worried about possibility of coaster.
I did try. Actually I installed CCD first, and used the Safedisc 2+ profile (without AWS), but the backup doesn't work. Put CD in, main menu pops up, click play, it says it can't find the CD. This after it auto downloaded the newest patch too.
I did the read at max, and burned to an Imation CMC CDR. Maybe one of these is the reason?
Might be cause the patch updated the protection.Try the game as is without patch 2 see if disc works.I know some game patches disable cd checks, but a lot nowadays seem 2 put more on.So it might work.If not try using Alcohol120% as this a good prog for backin up game cds.All U do is choose the profile for the protection.But from what i've read, liteons seem 2 be good drives for this purpose, so much so i even got 1

Hope it helps

So if the backup works before patching, I can either play it without patching (not good), use a no CD patch, or try Alcohol and re-burn?
Yep Try Alcohol & see how U get on.It has made a few backups on mine.StoneBurners tutorials r really good & he talks about both CloneCD & Alcohol120%I used Never winter nights backup no probs with clean install(game worked fine)& also when usin game autoupdate prog.One of the patches removes all checks, but they might have changed that since i got it.& whats wrong with singlplaya:):)Sometimes it nice 2 play game without worring about 2-3 camping ****:)Try running it thro Clonyxxl.That checks protection & how hard 2 copy.Then just use them settings/profile in Alcohol...& he'res me just gave up drinking 2:):)Hope it helps

Hmmmmm Beeeerrrrrrrr:)
It wasn't the patch. Tried reinstalling w/out patching and the backup still didn't work. Perhaps it's the Imation CDR? Haven't tried Alcohol yet.