Getting rid of Linux etc help please!

What I'd actually LIKE to do, is remove all the stuff from my 2nd HD and start again. At the moment Partition Magic says the HD is "bad" and won't format. Nor will Data Lifegaurd Tools do anything. Bamboozled. What I'd like to do is take off the Linux from the boot (I understand that fdisk/ mbr does it, but how ? where ? when ? step by CLEAR step would be great !!) Then repartition my 2nd hd to make 2 areas for 2 different Linux at perhaps 10 gig each and leave the rest to XP. Only thing is, could anyone guide me ?....Please ? :D
that becomes quiete critical. I is possible to do so. just do the following.
when you have booted windoes, just run command ( in win2k, xp -> cmd ), and type in the following. fdisk /MBR , or if you are running OS/2 fdisk /newmbr.
But it could come to some problems, as i don t know if your windows has been properly put into the new, autogenerated mbr.
It could happen, that you can t boot into your old os, unless you installed a new version of win, or lin onto your computer. If so, just make a new folder for win ( like winnt2 and delete it after that the mbr has been put in order ( after the first new boot of the system. )
I hope that answers your question.


i forgot, to repartition your disk you can use fips, a quiete easy tool. run it into the shall or dos.

Thanks, maradong. Can't say I followed all of that, I run XP on the main HD.
I'm quite happily using XP at the moment, and have rebooted a few times. The Mandrake loader comes on, I select XP, and there you go. I'm also getting on Mandrake ok too. But I would like to get this sorted ! ;)
Just a note:

fdisk /mbr is a DOS command and shouldn't be run from within windows. You should use a bootdisk. The correct parameters would be fix*space*MBR when using NT based O/S.

Your best bet is to use XP to partition it as Poko said. Partition Magic is a load of crap. <-- Learned that the hard way not too long ago.

ok, of course you can remove the lilo from within linux, but i understood as if linux had n t been installed correclty...
Sorry if i canfused anybody ...
fips ismy favortie for partionninong.. runs on a fat win boot disc but it s unimportent which os you got installed.
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maradong said:

Sorry if i canfused anybody ...
fips ismy favortie for partionninong.. runs on a fat win boot disc but it s unimportent which os you got installed.
Don't sweat it, I confuse myself. :D

Have you been using fips long? I've never tried it, but anything seems to be better than Partition Magic.

fips ? I'll have a look then. Thanks Maradong !
Poko. If its just XP, no prob, Bob. Mine is squeaky clean ! As is my works suite and quite a few things. If its all software...thats another matter entirely !
step by step approach

slip in your linux cd which should be a bootable one and cold boot the system linux installation starts. click advanced options which should take u to partition tools just select the linux partition and give delete. remove the cd and shut down the machine. slip in win me or 98 boot floppy and boot the machine then i n the command prompt type fdisk/mbr and take out the floppy that is all the job is done. now yr partition magic may help to partition and format the disk as u like. best of luck.