0.8 beta1
- almost all components starting from some 0.7 beta SDK still work, though recompilation with new SDK is recommended to take advantage of new features
- "open" dialog now lists supported file types
- file modification time tracking, goodbye "reload file info"
- file size tracking
- new menu item config, massively improved menu system
- improved matroska component (fully extendable through third-party components, improved speed)
- fixed UI glitch in masstagger
- masstagger scripts can be now exported to files
- new diskwriter
- new albumlist
- replaygain shows total progress
- toolbar menu now completely fakes regular menu behaviors
- found a way to get rid of dreaded beep when pressing alt+key
- various minor UI tweaks, improved playlist tabs
- fixed multimedia keys displayed in shortcuts page
- AIFF input fixes
- FLAC input fixes
- SDK side change: all uppercase/lowercase character conversion had to be moved to utf8api, some string8 methods are missing (replaced with utf8api functions)
- new icons, thanks to picmixer
- improved drag&drop support, thanks to foosion