Foobar o.7

New Foobar is out....Version 0.7 currently at beta12--I think couse builds are changin` nightly....Its still ugly as before..But its so good....Finally decided to have one player for audio and one for video..So i guess gonna go with foobar..Its a top-player really!!!!Check it out Btw i`m still looking for ""ideal"""player........It should be good multimedia player like light alloy--so it can wiev avi`s while it downloading(for example) and still be very simple and customizable like,easy customizable with nice keybord shorcuts and playlists things like winamp and foobar,to play dvds like powerdvd daz(small footprint),and power of foobar.....Let me know please if you find one!!! :)
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thx 4 da info ,gonna hava a look @ it
i use the skins from h**p://
serjer said:
thx 4 da info ,gonna hava a look @ it
i use the skins from h**p://
The thing is dat i love this o.7 thing.....And all those skins doesent work with sdk0.7???
bionic said:
About the all in one player, this aint half bad.
thx for the news :)
Thats as may be, but you have to pay for it, and frankly, for something you have to pay for, is it any better than a free winamp ?
The regular version is free. The premium version you have to pay for. Difference is you get unlimited plugin support and dvd playback in the premium.
And no, winamp is indeed a top quality all in one player (allthough i tend to stay clear of all in one solutions myself):)
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What foobar thread? ;)

Its isnt beta anymore, although their releasing release candidates almost as often(rc 6 is up now):D :)
Yeah, its kinda neat aint it :)
I saw that, just for the record if anyone finds it offensive ill of course remove it asap :)

Edit: heres the homepage
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