error: missing destination path filename for output vob file


New member
hi there,

got the above error message. this tool just don't make it for me. thats pretty sad concerning the announcments being made in the doom9 forum.
another point is: what useless information is the item number ?
who cares ? at least the correspondending vob id would be a really useful information (think of a shared title where you want to get rid of the r-rated version for example and you have 15 vob ids to keep and 5 to remove, what hell of a job is that). if this app would be like it has been announced this should be working like in ifoedit (hey, the function is already there). well thats not just "with a few clicks".



New member
If u post here trying to get help, pls provide more info on what u did with DVDStripper before the error occured.
Last edited:


New member
o00o_o00o said:
If u post here trying to get help, pls provide more info on what u did with DVDStripper before the error occured.
well, what I did: ripping, pressing keep, remove several times then process.

ifoedit comes up, thats it ...



can I ask how long you have had DVDStripper and is this the 1st time you have had the 'no path' error?

what OS do you have and what is the directory path of your Windows folder?

try deleting you current Ifoedit.INI and remap all the paths in DVDStripper and try it again



New member
MackemX said:

can I ask how long you have had DVDStripper and is this the 1st time you have had the 'no path' error?

what OS do you have and what is the directory path of your Windows folder?

try deleting you current Ifoedit.INI and remap all the paths in DVDStripper and try it again

this was the first time, yes
I'm running W2k installed in WINNT folder
I'll try what you suggested ! what about this item thing ? is it possible to change it from "item" to vob id ?


lmhosts said:
this was the first time, yes
I'm running W2k installed in WINNT folder
I'll try what you suggested ! what about this item thing ? is it possible to change it from "item" to vob id ?



changing to show the VOB ID still wouldn't help anyway as VOB ID's could be anywhere in the titleset

how long have you have DVDStripper?


New member
MackemX said:

changing to show the VOB ID still wouldn't help anyway as VOB ID's could be anywhere in the titleset

how long have you have DVDStripper?
ok, thanks for the explanation ...


New member
again: I did delete the ifoedit.ini and the same error came up.
That's it so far. I'll try something else.



The error message you identified at the beginning of this thread seems to indicate that you have either left the destination field empty in DVDStripper or you typed in a path that doesn't exist on your hard drive.

You must create the folders needed by DVDStripper on your hard drives and then browse to them from DVDStripper.

Please confirm that you have created the folders on your hard drive and have set up DVDStripper to use those folders for processing. Then we can better isolate any problems you may still be having.

lmhosts said:
again: I did delete the ifoedit.ini and the same error came up.
That's it so far. I'll try something else.

lmhosts said:
this was the first time, yes
I'm running W2k installed in WINNT folder
can I just confirm what system you are running this on as you have just told me in the last hour via AOL IM that you are using WIN 98SE with all updates installed

yet in this post you state you are using WIN2K :confused:

is anyone else getting this error?
I've just dug out my old Win98SE CD and installed it on my laptop

it was a completely basic install, not even any drivers or anything else so I could have the system as basic as could be. Apart from it asking for the usual missing files everything worked so I'm at a loss as to what could be causing it :confused:

I'll try installing the service pack updates now and I will try to see what's going on


New member
old-hack said:
The error message you identified at the beginning of this thread seems to indicate that you have either left the destination field empty in DVDStripper or you typed in a path that doesn't exist on your hard drive.

You must create the folders needed by DVDStripper on your hard drives and then browse to them from DVDStripper.

Please confirm that you have created the folders on your hard drive and have set up DVDStripper to use those folders for processing. Then we can better isolate any problems you may still be having.
I just did what you mentioned, same error. Did set complete new folders for all paths ...



New member
Sounds like same error I have.

This sounds like the same DVDStripper 0.1.1 error I have on Win98SE on a HP tower system. DVDStripper 0.1.0 more or less runs on my system. Except I have to push the buttons on a couple of IFOedit screens.


New member

@oldeman: the first version did work sometimes for me too.

the ifoedit.ini is read-only. could be a feature because DS needs full control, could be a bug if there has to be written in it ??!!

btw. all ifoedit.ini files I received by mail are read only !


lmhosts said:

@oldeman: the first version did work sometimes for me too.

the ifoedit.ini is read-only. could be a feature because DS needs full control, could be a bug if there has to be written in it ??!!

btw. all ifoedit.ini files I received by mail are read only !


the read only settings have nothing to do with it :(

this issue is more system related than anything to do with Ifoedit or DVDStripper and the problem is trying to find that issue

I've installed WIN98SE on my laptop and everything works perfect and I've done nothing apart from a typical install without even installing any drivers or anything else regarding software.

All I have installed is DVDDecrypter and missing files in my system32 folder that were required. I haven't even installed the VB runtime files. I've also installed the updates and again everything works as it should. I'm at a loss as to what I can do to help for now unless I can get hold of a system that has issues or somebody else who is good at isolating issues finds the solution

have you got anything like WindowsBlinds installed and have you tried safe mode yet?


New member
MackemX said:
have you got anything like WindowsBlinds installed and have you tried safe mode yet?
I have nothing installed like that.
I'll try safemode as soon as I can boot my machine.

ok, I've been playing on a crappy system that is a PII 400 machine with 64mb of memory and only one "who knows how fast it is but it sure is loud" Hard Drive. It also takes about 5 minutes to bootup due to the amount of crap that's been installed on it during it's life :eek:, so who know's what's running in the background

at first I was missing the usual files, so I copied the ones I had on a CD-RW into the Windows/System32 directory and used START/RUN to register them

I got DVDStripper started and as soon as I went to set the paths for Ifoedit it gave me the error below :(

Error 20476 selecting file
The FileName buffer is too small to store the selected filename(s)

I couldn't even tell DVDStripper where to look for Ifoedit :(, so I decided to cheat a bit and closed DVDStripper and then manually put the path into the registry and restarted DVDStripper. The Ifoedit path was now shown in DVDStripper, problem temporarily solved or so I thought :(

after ripping a DVD which took absolutely ages as this system mustn't have had DMA enabled, so it took the best part of the afternoon to rip the DVD :D

once ripped, I left everything intact and clicked Process and away it went, making some horrible Hard Drive crunching noises (you know the type as this system is about 5 years old!) when processing the data. Ifoedit kicked in and started processing and worked OK until it came to the Correcting VOBU pointers window which popped up and just hung :(

I clicked OK and quit Ifoedit and DVDStripper picked it up again and started on the next IFO and again the same thing, it hung on the same VOBU window :(

the process completed OK but like I said was just hanging at certain stages :(

I then copied the actual Comdlg32.ocx from my system (not the one I had downloaded elsewhere) and copied it into the System32 folder on the prehistoric beast I was testing on. I used the Start/Run and registered it and fired up DVDStripper again

I can now set the Ifoedit path using DVDStripper which I couldn't before :) but better still it now doesn't hang in Ifoedit and completes the whole process :D

so all I can suggest is that people download the Comdlg32.ocx file I have in this thread HERE and register it as shown in the thread. Make sure you move the old file somewhere safe for now, in fact grab both the files while you are there and register them both and see if it fixes your issues like it did for the crappy 'only good for a calculator' PC I just sorted out


New member
MackemX said:
so all I can suggest is that people download the Comdlg32.ocx file I have in this thread HERE and register it as shown in the thread. Make sure you move the old file somewhere safe for now, in fact grab both the files while you are there and register them both and see if it fixes your issues like it did for the crappy 'only good for a calculator' PC I just sorted out
this file is exactly the same that is already installed :-(


its one of the system files causing the issue but which one I don't know at the minute :(

I've had it working on 3 Win98SE systems now and only the PII gave me a little grief but a quick search on Google gave me the answer to the error 20476 :)

I'll keep checking for stuff as I also got the missing filepath error on the PII after putting Ifoedit path into the registry and running DS for the 1st time. Swapping that one file got rid of that error but came up with the other error until I swapped the same file again but this time with my main system file