EnigmahX or X-Ecuter modchip


I am looking for some opinions, for which modchip to buy. Any help is appreciated.

The X-Ecuter seems to have more functions than EnigmahX, true or not?


errrr... you are confused?

think of it this way, neo-x = version 1, enigmah-x = version 2, x-ecuter = version 3 (final one) (alll other modchips came in around the neo-x to enigmah-x period (x-tender was about a week before enigmah-x, except evox which was between enigmah-x and x-ecuter)

that should answer your question the 2 CURRENT modchips are x-ecuter (from ?????? but well known;)) and open xbox (from dextrose), they do things totaly differently, if you want to play games and stuff then get x-ecuter, if you want to change your bios all the time to do different things then get open xbox.

hope that helps

Thanks for your answer. However, I found at my supplier that he also sells PC BioXX. (Is this open xbox btw?).

According to the specs it also plays all games etc. Furthermore, I found on the net that this 1 is flash upgradeble, and has more options.

But, also on the net, I found that PC BioXX ability to play games is dependable on bios version.

So, now I'm stuck between X-Ecutor and PC BioXX. I definately want to be able to play backup games (PAL + NTSC).

Could you please give me advise 1 more time?

Thanks again,

op pc bioxx is open xbox, it is flashable but do not buy it.

there is a new flash chip that requires no wires out in a couple of weeks (costs about $10 more than open xbox)

if all you want to do is play games and be able to copy them (although at some time in the future you may need to patch the games before they will work) then go for x-ecuter

if you want to mess around with whatever comes around then go with a flashable one instead, but remember you can only flash with an available bios that you have found yourself.

as for backup games both will play them, both will allow you to add a bigger hard drive and both will allow you to back up your games, the difference is that with the flashable ones you will need to reflash to change the bios to one that does what you want (which requires opening up your xbox and linking it to your pc in the case of open xbox).

As i say it depends what you want realy and only yourself can decide that (honestly i'm not sure about this, but do flashroms wear out ?)