eDonkey & sharereactor.com Download Speed?

I got DSL 512Kb line, and when used with eDonkey & w**.sharereactor.com to download some materials, I only get about 5-10Kb/s downloading speed? Is that normal? OR am I downloading from someone who has 56K modem?

I can get high ID number without a prob.
edonkey itself doesn't work properly, you can't do much about that. is your download speed set to 0? also, if you don't have enough sources, download will be slow. I am currently downloading dino crisis 2 for pc, download speed is between 40-80, but there are some other files in my list, which I can't download at all, because there are not enough sources.
If you are downloading from modem users, you'll notice right away - their speed is always 0.6.
also, many people use upload cracks, I also use one, 'cause I got pissed that I always upload without getting anything in return most of the time, so if people limit their uploads, it's really difficult to get high download speeds.
Personally, I've trashed the damn program. I think it's complete waste of time waiting for 3days (72hrs non stop) just to downloading a CD1 film. It's nothing like Napster, where it shows users connection speed, then let u choose which u prefer. I've read about Kazza too, and i think i will get the same resuult too.

Going back to your subject about "Uploading", I've read from thjis site, that it doesn't make any difference to tyour downloading speed, as they have different bandwiodth for each one. I may be wrong about this?
basically you are right, uploading at 10x or even faster wouldn't slow down my downloads in any way, it's just that there is no incentive to share, since you get nothing in return any way, so I switched off uploading altogether. I have been trying to get one file for 4 months, always on queue or no sources, this really sucks. on kazaa, I tell the programme to download and in an hour or two the download is always finished, no matter what the size of the file is. so I suggest you check out kazaa lite; the only problem is there are not enough programmes on kazaa, but if you need just films and mp3s, then you can get everything you want in no time from there
It also depends a lot on the server you connect to.

I use edonkey to download the latest episodes of stargate SG1 that are released, and I ALWAYS get 50k/sec + while downloading, I use edonkeybot to update my server listings and manage my downloads, no problems at all with it.

Its strange, some people like me can have fantastic speeds, and others get totally crap speeds.

Gawd knows why.

I know why, but tired of answering the same question lol.
eDonkey is certainly one of the slowest p2p programs, but the only comfort in it is that you know what you are getting when you download (from sharereactor & others alike).
Kazaa & others have better speeds, but you don't know if the quality is good or if your file is corrupted or whatever.
Another thing to note, depends what times you are on, what servers you connect to, what speeds you have set (for downloads & uploads), what you are downloading (if something new *like 3DSMax 5* you might get a fast download or you might not. Reason being is that so many are trying to download it, that you are always on queue/looking, other times once you connect it is fast since you have so many resources).
In anycase, it isn't for everyone and always expect things to take around 3-5 days to download (for large files). Some don't like to wait, others like myself don't mind.
I suggest you use Xolox instead. Fast and simple program (better than bearshare & other crap like that *prefer it over kazaa lite too)
I often read on zeropaid.com that xolox may crash or even destroy your computer. haven't tried myself for the obvious reason.
been using xolox since version 1 and never had a problem with it (even after they first shut it down and you had to use a hack to connect with).
it has been found that vinnie (the biggest loser in the world *well second to some members in this forum lol) , who owns BearShare, was one of the people spreading a lot of bad BS about xolox (simply 'cause he knew it was better than his crap & he even blocked it from using their servers).
I don't know much about edonkey but I know there are 2 different versions of edonkey to download for fast connections. Check your version.If I read it right DSL and cable etc uses a different version
ure lucky it wont even star tt dl's when i try and am also on a dls line ...

pinkfloyd6 this is me too but i needed to make a new name for this network i use at school for it wont let me log out ever so i made a new one
well many factors go into it. These things have all been said before but make sure you share files, keep the donkey up and after you download a file, make sure you still share them and set proper speeds for you connections and blah blah blah lol.

Anyhow, here is a pic of my settings and you can see my download and upload speeds near the right bottom corner.

Also I only download 5-6 files a time (not more), 'cause otherwise you are using up most of your bandwidth just searching files or waiting to get unqueued.


For me If it's slow no problem if I can make my files completed no problem.

The bad thing about edonkey is the upload / download ratio, Running on a 512kb/128Kb, I can't make 60k DL (when The file I want is shared by lots of person), because with a 16k up you can't.

I would wnat to be ebale to down at max speed and make my up blocked at max 12k so that I can surf :))

If you have something to make this :))

I tried eMule or overnet but there is the same ratio, if you have some crack or patch or client which permit to bloack up please let me know.
