EA Sports Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 question

hmmmmm.....I have the original 3CD's but I can't seem to copy them! :(

ClonyXXL says they are SafeDisc v2.8

I tried to copy them with Alcohol and it installs but doesn't run.

Can't seem to find a cracked EXE file at megagames or gamecopyworld?!?!?

Can anybody help?
Actually even the ORIGINAL DISCS DON'T WORK! :(

According to the EA website it's a Safedisc issue but following there suggestions.....it still doesn't work.

I even removed all my virtual drives (Daemon, Nero ImageDrive and Alcohol)....but still it was NO GO.

I then removed all my background task (firewall, anti-virus, etc)....and still the original discs, didn't work.

All I get is the intial splash screen and it goes back to WindowsXP. You have to have the 3rd CD (Courses Disc) in the CD-ROM Drive. But even the original CD doesn't work.

There must be some other people who are having similar problems with this game?

I noticed that the FLT released has a cracked EXE file. Anyway that I can get access to that one file without having to download a whole CD image. I have lame monthly download restrictions....so that would cause me big problems.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :D
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The tast Tiger woods was a crock aswell it would only run in software
mode on my geforce 3 and on my current hercules 9700 pro, the most problematic software I have had seems to come from EA, most of it doesn't work properly from the off.
Medal of Honour had a problem, When shogun came out you had to drop back a couple of Nvidia driver releases, to make it work. sportscar GT(probably the best PC racer ever) has a load of problems with Geforce 2 and onwards, EA doesn't want to know.