DVDx ??? Use with mpeg cards ???

Hi, I'm just wondering If anyone out there who may use DVDx Knows If It can use an mpeg card as a video server & If It can what brand/model what do they turn out like & how long to do 2hr of playtime ?? roughly. Thanks.



Hi and welcome. you posted in the wrong section. I'll move it to Movies & Video Section.

No, you can only frameserve to other programs, in particular TMPGEnc.

How long to convert a 2hr movie depends on a lot of things but mainly your CPU and HD speeds. On a 600 MHz CPU with ATA66/100 HD's it will take about 12-14 hours.
Hi, Thanks for the Input I was curious It would be excellent If It could use an Mpeg card even getting over 10 fps would be a bonus maybe things will Improve with some more time. Sorry If I posted In the wrong sections was a mistake.