DVDSanta Sound Problems


New member
Hi, I'm using DVDSanta v.4 to convert some older .avi films to DVD. The sound on the original .avi is mono but plays fine in Windows Media Player. Unfortunately, after DVDSanta has converted it, I only get sound from the left-hand channel! Do I need to re-encode the original sound?

Here are the sound details of the original avi :-

Wave Codec: 85 - MPEG Layer 3
Average Bitrate: 106.85 kbit/s
Sampling Rate: 48000Hz
Channels: 1
Audio Delay: 0.00 s

I don't pretend to understand all this, so could you keep it fairly simple please.
Many thanks
The audio is 1 channel,for stereo,you need 2......

you have to demux the audio,save it to .wav and load it in an audio editing program to create a 2nd channel,save the .wav and mux it again....