DVD Shrink movies don't work on DVD Player

I can create DVD-R and DVD+R on my PC. Like slideshows and home movies and play them on my new JVC DVD player.

But when I use DVDShrink, the JVC just gives "ERROR" display?

Any suggestions?
What OS are you using and which build of DVDShrink have you installed.
What steps are you using once you used DVDShrink to shrink you disc...(auto burn after shring with nero) importing files into a data project?
Also what are these errors deing displayed?
If you can look up these errors from you JVC handbook..
Also make sure you have folders AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS will contain all you files for movie.


New member
I believe you'll have to ReAuthor and name your files appropriately if you are going to use DVDShrink to do this.

DVDShrink is geared more towards shrinking and backing up movies.

You can probably achieve what you are doing faster and easier just using Nero 6.
Can't use Nero. My Sony DVD burner installed Veritas and DLA software that said it was incompatible with Nero. I have Recordnow DX for writing dvd disks. The dvd's i burn work on an Apex dvd player, but not the jvc.
fredpb said:
Can't use Nero. My Sony DVD burner installed Veritas and DLA software that said it was incompatible with Nero. I have Recordnow DX for writing dvd disks. The dvd's i burn work on an Apex dvd player, but not the jvc.
So your end product does work now but not on the JVC player...You need to find out if the JVC supports THE format you are using DVD-R or DVD+R... some players are very fussy on format or media being used..


fredpb said:
Can't use Nero. My Sony DVD burner installed Veritas and DLA software that said it was incompatible with Nero. I have Recordnow DX for writing dvd disks. The dvd's i burn work on an Apex dvd player, but not the jvc.
You could install Nero, just uninstall the DLA prog first.

Have you tried using Shrink to make an iso image and let DVD Decrypter burn it? It can even do this on autopilot too and should be highly compatable. :cool:

But I feel as RASTABT highlighted the problem lies in the JVC DVD player and media compatability rather than how the disc has been burned. Have you tried other makes of media, by this I don't mean "brands" but different manus of dye? Ritek seems to be the generally accepted as regards player compatability overall.
I have tried CloneDVD and AnyDVD combination. This works fine on the JVC.

I use Verita RecordNow DX to write dvds with dvdshrink. I just create a data disk from the hard drive image dvdshrink creates. It works on my Apex dvd player but not the jvc.


fredpb said:
I use Verita RecordNow DX to write dvds with dvdshrink. I just create a data disk from the hard drive image dvdshrink creates. It works on my Apex dvd player but not the jvc.
This may sound obvious so please excuse me, you are making sure that once you've loaded the VIDEO_TS folder into RNM that you then click on options > DVD > Track at once *closed* to make sure you are closing the disc? Because by default on my version it is always set to *open* and I have to check this setting on each disc before burning.
Laz said:
This may sound obvious so please excuse me, you are making sure that once you've loaded the VIDEO_TS folder into RNM that you then click on options > DVD > Track at once *closed* to make sure you are closing the disc? Because by default on my version it is always set to *open* and I have to check this setting on each disc before burning.
Yes. I have done all that. The DVD's work on my APEX dvd player, but still not on the JVC. I think I am going to have to shell out for anydvd and clonedvd if i want to copy. That combination works fine. I copied an entire movie dvd (clone with clonedvd) and the picture on a 50" 4:3 with letterbox was ok.

I have tried DVD-R DVD+R and DVD+RW with the same result on the JVC.
It just does not like something my writer software is doing.

I created a hard drive copy of a movie with anydvd and clonedvd. Then wrote it to dvd with recordnow dx. It did not work in the JVC. This means it is NOT DVDShrink, but RecordnowDX. My version of Recordnow is old, so I am trying to update it.
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So if you now know it's not Shrink why not simply use Shrink to create .iso files and let DVD Decrypter burn? Easiest and free solution. ;)


Laz said:
So if you now know it's not Shrink why not simply use Shrink to create .iso files and let DVD Decrypter burn? Easiest and free solution. ;)
I completely agree!

This is what I use the most, despite having Nero here as well.

The quality is fantastic with these tools without a lot of fluff.
Laz said:
So if you now know it's not Shrink why not simply use Shrink to create .iso files and let DVD Decrypter burn? Easiest and free solution. ;)


How do you do that. I will research it of course. I don't know what .iso files are.

I updated RecordNow. The damn updater updated Recordnow but deleted Recordnow DX! And the site I got it from (it was a free download with dvd writer purchase) no longer carries it. I was screwed, LOL.

The updated RecordNow also will not create disks that will work on the JVC. So it is Recordnow I am pretty sure, and not DVDShrink.

I will try to get DVDShrink and DVDdecrytptor to burn a dvd . I appreciate the suggestion.


fredpb said:

How do you do that. I will research it of course. I don't know what .iso files are.

I updated RecordNow. The damn updater updated Recordnow but deleted Recordnow DX! And the site I got it from (it was a free download with dvd writer purchase) no longer carries it. I was screwed, LOL.

The updated RecordNow also will not create disks that will work on the JVC. So it is Recordnow I am pretty sure, and not DVDShrink.

I will try to get DVDShrink and DVDdecrytptor to burn a dvd . I appreciate the suggestion.
HERE is the place to learn the tricks of the trade and it's what gave me all the information I needed to become very proficient at burning.

I'm sure you'll agree once you go through this. I must say that the new version of DVDShrink allows you to do way more than it use to and you should research it's capabilities to find everything you need to do your burning.

Hope this helps,
This helps, but still no go. I have a SONY burner. And burnatonce does not seem to work on it. I can't use Nero, and if I purchase Nero, I might as well purchase clonedvd and anydvd.

I still can't make a dvd.


fredpb said:
This helps, but still no go. I have a SONY burner. And burnatonce does not seem to work on it. I can't use Nero, and if I purchase Nero, I might as well purchase clonedvd and anydvd.

I still can't make a dvd.
Bahh! don't waist your money, all you need is DVDShrink and Decryptor and check out this HERE
I have read all the links, thanks. But no where does it say how to use the software. The Help sections are useless. I have DVD Decryptor and Dvd Shrink. I have no clue how to use these.

I also have WIN98SE with FAT32 file system. These programs ask for a single file name. My rips, since there is a FAT32 file size limit, are multiple files. No provision for this is software.

The info given on all webpages is very general. There is really no step by step instruction on how to use DVD Decryptor and DVD Shrink to create dvds, and in what order.

I installed my Nero 5.8, and it would not write DVD's. I removed it.

I am about to give up on this and just buy Clonedvd and anydvd. Expensive for me, but if I want to copy DVD's to back them up, this is the only thing that seems to work.


fredpb said:
I have read all the links, thanks. But no where does it say how to use the software. The Help sections are useless. I have DVD Decryptor and Dvd Shrink. I have no clue how to use these.

I also have WIN98SE with FAT32 file system. These programs ask for a single file name. My rips, since there is a FAT32 file size limit, are multiple files. No provision for this is software.

The info given on all webpages is very general. There is really no step by step instruction on how to use DVD Decryptor and DVD Shrink to create dvds, and in what order.

I installed my Nero 5.8, and it would not write DVD's. I removed it.

I am about to give up on this and just buy Clonedvd and anydvd. Expensive for me, but if I want to copy DVD's to back them up, this is the only thing that seems to work.
Umm I'm not sure I know what you mean. It does show you how to use it if you click on the links under the Software section, like right

Just follow the steps and you'll be up and burning.

For DVDShrink I would just go to their site and check out the documentation there. It's changed quite a bit in version 3.2 and does most of the stuff you will ever need.
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