DVD Ripper for Linux

I have SuSE 9.0 up and running smoothly. Now I need a DVD ripper. I searched the internet for one, but couldn't find one. I searched this forum as well, but to no avail. Anyone knows of any software out there. It doesn't neccesarily have to be freeware, but that would be nice also!! :confused:
Go here http://packman.links2linux.org/?action=175 . This is part of the Packman web site which is essential for anyone running SuSe. Its speciality is up to date programs compiled for SuSe.

Also you can subscribe to a SuSe mailing list from the Suse site. The user lists are very active and helpful. There have been quite few posts on this topic in the lists.

You could also try running some of the smaller windows rippers under Wine in Suse:)