DVD-R DATA .... question ....

Elpresidente you seem to be the man with all the answers. I am totally new to this sport and just bought a Pioneer-A04 burner. If I follow your steps and burn to a DVD-RW, will it play on stand-alones such as an Apex AD-660 DVD player.
I have noticed when I back up all my computer data on a DVD-RW, it wont appear when the disc is placed in my laptop which I assume is because it isnt finalized. Will the DVD-RW's have to be finalized in order for them to play? And if so, how?
Thanks in advance from a true newbie!


Hey mate ...
Welcome to the forum ...

I´ve modified your post ;) (created a new thread)

1. If u create a DVD Data Disc (Multisession) u have to finalize the disc (Nero --> just check finalize box)...but if u create a "normal" DVD Data Disc, it is automatically finalized.

2. Is the laptop drive able to read the DVD-RW movie discs ?! if not maybe it isn´t able to read DVD-RW

Ok thanks for the help, I will check and see if that will work. The Nero I am using is an older version than the one in your tutorial, so I will have to upgrade to keep things simple. I think my laptop should be able to read the DVD-RW's, it is brand new. That is a good question on your part though. I do know it can read a DVD-R because I made a movie with DVDx and it played, but I want to be able to make movies that play both on my stand alone and my laptop.
In my Nero ver #, it seems that I cant drag and drop files over two gigs in order to burn it. My system is Win2000 and is NTFS so I know that is not the problem. Any suggestions?
Also the finalize button isnt accessible (sp) for me to turn it on or off????


lol... yep mate ...your Nero version is a bit outdated ... I use (I know it isn´t the newest but it works--> remember --> NEVER TOUCH A RUNNING SYSTEM ! *lol* )

much have changed since @ DVD Burning abilities ...
I think it´s an problem with the File system (which Nero uses) ..

Upgrade to a newer Version an try it again ... don´t forget to post your results ...

Ok, tried your tutorial and here goes. I practiced with the DVD movie Gladiator and ended up with 7.47 gigs of output. Feeling that there was no way to just cut the credits down to 4 1/2 gigs, I thought I would try and just select the first 4 of the 8 chapters and put the movie on two DVD's. I copied the first 4 chapters and all the other files into Nero, and burned it (first time using Nero).
The outcome didnt play. I do believe it was do to my part though. Does the DVD have to be called VIDEO_TS in order for it to play, and be recognized by the players? Also, if I do split a movie into 2 DVD's, when I select chapters 5-8 I am assuming I need to include the extra files with it like I did when I burned 1-4.
Is that correct? Your help is appreciated!!!!!
Tried it again exactly as your tutorial showed but with only half the vob files (because of size), and again it didnt play on my Apex DVD player. Got any suggestions????

When played through Power DVD and WinDVD on pc where it was burned, it played great!

I noticed in one of the other forums Mandy said instead of using USF/ISO, she used DVD Video and the burn worked ok on her standalone player. When I try using DVD Video, it wont let me use it as an option. Is it because I am using Nero ?
Should I go to a higher Nero?

Sorry to be such a pain, but I have been waiting along time to figure this stuff out. Thanks in advance!
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upgrade to newest ver ...and select DVD-Video project

Why is it things never go the easy way as planned? (lol)

I switched to Nero and tried the DVD Video format. When I tried to burn it, it kept telling me that the "Required file %'s is not present". Here is a list of the files I included,

Am I missing something. I tried using the Default, and without the Default file also.
Getting alittle frustrated....Could you help alittle more please?


is it possible that VIDEO_TS.IFO/Bup and VTS_01_0.IFO/Bup r taken from the original disc ?
Sorry not quite sure what you mean by that answer. Yes when I used Smart Ripper, I stripped them from the original DVD and have them in a folder on my HDD with the other VOB files.
Are you saying that when I use Nero, to have the original disc in my DVD Rom?

I am not sure how to include an attachment in this message. I have a jpeg file on exactly what the Nero report said if you can tell me how to include it, or an email to send it to.
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I mean .... did u take the IFO files from the original disc and added them to your project ...or have u created new ones via IFOEdit ?!

press post reply ....attach file --> select the path .... voila

Okay....I originally used IFOEdit to do the files, but after your last reply I copied and pasted them from the original DVD into another folder and tried to burn it only to still get the same error message.


hmm...mate .. I didn´t recommend to do that (copying the original IfoFiles) just tried to find the error ;)

ok... let me take a short problem review ....
u used the dvd2dvdr guide ...ended up with an 7gb project and tried to split it ...

2 questions :
1. did u split it via IfoEdit
2.Did u create new Ifos before splitting or after splitting process ?!

Followed your instructions, and ended up with 8 vob files. Since it was too large to put on 1 dvd-rw, I took the four IFO and BUP files along with the first four of the vob (VTS_01-1) files, and spun up a dvd with Nero. It played fine on my computer through Power DVD and WinDVD, but wouldnt play through my stand alone DVD Player.
Since Mandy said she had the same problem in a different forum and used DVD Video instead of USF/ISO, I tried that with Nero When I tried to burn it, I kept getting the message about the missing files (See attached jpegs).
I used IfoEdit on the ripped files as you instructed, and followed everything to a tee. I am just dumbfounded why this wont work for me. Could it have anything to do with the DVD-RW's I got off ebay?
I couldnt test it on the laptop because the P.O.S. wont power up.
(Shouldve spent the extra money and got a Sony!!!)
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Dutch, what I think elpresidente was asking was did you use IFOEdit to "split to 2 dvd-r's" from the "VOB Extras" menu? This will allow your to split the 7+gb into 2 folders of your choosing, then you copy the de-css'd menus from the ripped 7gb folder that are not present in each folder.
Then you must check the VTS_02_0.IFO to see how many chapters are now there (not the full total of the whole original ripped disk folder). Then edit the VIDEO_TS.IFO and change the chapter numbers in the VMG_PTT_SRPT table entry.
Finally, you must recalculate the VTS and save the IFO/BUPs. I have done this and burned to my 104 drive with Nero as UDF/ISSO (not DVD Video - it checks the format too strictly).

(See h#p://mpucoder/kewlhair.com/derrow/splitdvd.html for details)
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Will that cause it not to play on the standalone? When I divide it like I said, it plays fine on the computer where it was made but not elsewhere.
I will try and divide it like you mentioned....thanks for the input!

I also saw a guide called "Idiots guide to keeping original Menu in DVD backup". Could my menu be part of the problem?