DVD Burning Tutorials ?

DVD Burning Tutorial ?

  • DVD to DVD-R (just the movie)

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • DVD to 2 DVD-r (incl. menu & bonus material)

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • (S)VCD to DVD-r

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • DVD-R suxx

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thats a good ambitius mod,i love this idea...Bud,im in process of bying new hardware(and idea of getting new drive-dvd rewritable is looking better for me every day comparing to cdrw)..How about to add higlight and cons for standards....I did search the net for answers-but is not clear to me still(well,i might be slow thinker--but i cant fix that;) :rolleyes: )and if you can put simple words-so people who are not good in english like me can understand it better......also your personal opinion about them(standards),couse i saw youre doing that stuff,so i can belive that i will be adviced by somebody who knows the s..t good:)


hmm.. ok... i can´t really explain the technical pros & cons of DVD-R/RW -RAM +R/RW

I can only write down my personal opinion... maybe somebody isn´t my opionon ...just post yours ..

1. DVD-R/W

seems like -R (pioneer) will be the standard for DVDwriteOnce media.. Sony announced a DVD Writer which is able to write -R and + RW ....
-R is available for longer time than +R is (since CeBit?! not very old this standard) this is why the medias r cheaper ... there r also very cheap brand DVD-rs cause in Apple computers the Pioneer A03 is built in (superdrive or something like that :) )
-R/RW works fine in standalone players


I think the advantage in -Ram is the "caddy" where the real medium is in it ... (good for liftime) so good for Data Storage ..
but u can´t read it in standard DVD-Rom Drives

I think +RW discs r as "cheap" as -RWs are ... I read somewhere that this would be the future standard of rewritable DVDs...
+R ? somebody who saw them ? *lol* -R will win the race

So... The best choice at this time (for me and my DVD Movie backups :) ) is the pioneer A03.
If u don´t want to buy a writer right now... there will be combo drives which r able to write more than just one standard @ the end of this year ..maybe earlier..
Thanks,bud..Its a better now,but still......Why they dont make 1 standard for all(every dvd can read and write everything)......:mad: Thanks bud:)


don´t know why they didn´t make one standard ... maybe because pioneer thought that their standard is better than the standard of Ricoh, philips, ....
or they all put much money into development of a standard ... and now they don´t want to switch over to a standard of another company ?

just a question of time ... then there will be only one standard :)

but it´s not interesting if -RW survives or not ...cause it will be readable in future ....

elpresidente said:

but it´s not interesting if -RW survives or not ...cause it will be readable in future ....

I think that is the main point. We the user want something that can play on our current equipment today and into the future. End of story.
Thats right,i dont mine paying 500$ for drive,but i want to know that will work today and in future too(and that standard which i choose wont dissapeer soon:mad: :mad: :rolleyes: )...


hmm... yep... maybe I didn´t understand your "mainpoint"
cause it´s not important if the RW standard is + or - cause U R STILL ABLE to Produce RW and everybody is able to read it ... but the only thing is that there aren´t any writers which r able to write this standard ... so ... whats the problem ?


yep thats right ... but .. the difference between VCR and DVD recordable is that -RW+R/W can be read in every drive ...and VCR not ... :)
