DVD Burned ok but...?

I've successfully burned a few DVD's already with no problems, but am running into an issue.

My Question: Im burning American Pie 2 and need to know if i need to burn any IFO files also to the hard drive? What are the IFO files for?
Attached is a pict and notice before the VOB Files there is the


Then after the vob files there is a

VTS_07._0.IFO ans so on...

Do I need all these IFO files and is that why this DVD i burned wont load correctly in my DVD players? All the other DVD's i've tried just simply have 2 IFO files. If someone can enlighten me, I'd really appreciate it. Thx. :confused:
If you use SmartRipper in MOvie mode (and not File mode) it will rip the movie and the necessary IFO with it.

The IFO file is a contolling file and is the same number as the movies VTS stream. In you case above, its the VTS_06_0.IFO file
Hmmm? Did it in movie mode, then used DVd2One, then copied to DVD and when i play it, it's just a black screen and it don't play.

However, when If i explore the DVD and select all the VOB files and open with power dvd it it will play that way... Strange. I may try to just put this on 2 disks instead using DVD X Copy.


Dunno what you are doing wrong but something is sure not right m8.

The foolproof way I use with DVD2one is by using DVD Decrypter in "file" mode and ripping to a folder, create a seperate folder on your HD with these 2 files inside (Typed exactly btw) VIDEO_TS & AUDIO_TS

Start up DVD2one, point to the ripped files folder as source and put the VIDEO_TS folder as output, simply then select audio, any subs and let it transcode.

When it comes to the burn simply copy & paste both the VIDEO_TS & AUDIO_TS foders into your burning prog (I use Stomp RNM) and burn, make sure that you select to close the disc in the burn options.

Never, ever had a coaster this way with over 70 DVDR's so far.

Btw, SmartRipper should also rip just fine too.

HTH :)
Thx. I just copied all the files to the drive, then used a different program other than dvd2one for that particular DVD, and it works fine. Thx. I still dont know what i was doing wrong, but after making 2 DVD's that wouldn't boot, the 3rd was a charm.