Dvd Back ups

Is there any software out there that you can use to make a back up copy of your dvd movies. The ones that you by in the store. Thank you for any feedback.
hi, jubuls:

you can get many tutorials here in forum (dvd burning discussion > tutorials) that say which progs you will need to back up your dvd-movies to dvd-+r/rw or cd-r/rw (VCD ou SVCD) ... try search ...

you must go to w*w.vcdhelp.com and h*tp://doom9.org/ ... you will find there all you need: how to's and all progs

basically, in most cases you will need any good dvd-ripper (like dvddecripter or smartripper), a smal app named Ifoedit (last version is 0.94) and a good cd/dvd-r soft, like Nero, Gear DVD. Prassi DVD, Veritas Record Now or B'S Record ... in others cases you will need also a video encoder, like Cinema Craft or TMpeg ...

good luck, m8