DVD back up to VCD

I am attempting one of chicken mans superb tutorials, in this case the backing up DVD's to VCD tute. I used the link to get DVD2AVI but the only version available is 1.77, the tute says to only use v1.6. Am I safe with 1.77 or can someone help me get 1.6.

Thanks :)
sexyminx said:
I am attempting one of chicken mans superb tutorials, in this case the backing up DVD's to VCD tute. I used the link to get DVD2AVI but the only version available is 1.77, the tute says to only use v1.6. Am I safe with 1.77 or can someone help me get 1.6.

Thanks :)
Get it from :

http://www.doom9.org/ -->Download section
Ver 1.76 or the newer 1.77.4 are both fine. There are some 1.8x versions around written by other people and they dont work here.
ChickenMan said:
Ver 1.76 or the newer 1.77.4 are both fine. There are some 1.8x versions around written by other people and they dont work here.
Thanks Chicken Man! Your tutes are excellent, I'll let you know how I get on!
Oh dear I have another problem!! Pain in the A** I know, I'm sorry!!! I downloaded smartripper from emule but it's in German! The link in the tute doesn't work - any suggestions?
Cheers :confused:
Its okay now! I've installed it and realise that the program is in english, just the extracter that is in german! Thats blondes for you!!!
Chicken Man,
I have tried to do the first procedure - simply copying the DVD to my hard drive but smartripper tells me the files are locked - how do I overcome this?
just open the dvd in a player like power dvd or windvd then pause it then run smart ripper should be ok then..

sexyminx said:
Chicken Man,
I have tried to do the first procedure - simply copying the DVD to my hard drive but smartripper tells me the files are locked - how do I overcome this?
By the way, what OS you running?

As JamesLee said, just play the DVD with your favorire software, pause, its now unlocked. Run SmartRipper or DVD Decrypter. If it still locked, then you have a scratched or dirty DVD. Or possibly a currupt/incomplete ASPI layer.
ChickenMan said:
By the way, what OS you running?

As JamesLee said, just play the DVD with your favorire software, pause, its now unlocked. Run SmartRipper or DVD Decrypter. If it still locked, then you have a scratched or dirty DVD. Or possibly a currupt/incomplete ASPI layer.
Thank you James Lee and Chicken Man (why are you called chicken man by the way?!), I am using Windows XP Home Ed. I will try what you suggested and let ya'll know!!
sexyminx said:
... and Chicken Man (why are you called chicken man by the way?!),.....
I use to wake up everymorning listening to a Radio serial called ChickenMan. It started with " ChickenMan, ChickenMan, hes here, hes there hes everywhere" I feel a bit that way at times. I also grow lots of chickens inbetween helping on the forum. :D
ChickenMan said:
I use to wake up everymorning listening to a Radio serial called ChickenMan. It started with " ChickenMan, ChickenMan, hes here, hes there hes everywhere" I feel a bit that way at times. I also grow lots of chickens inbetween helping on the forum. :D
LOL! Interesting to hear that!! You are a busy bee aren't you! In my spare time I grow bored.
Okay, now I think I am going to do what girls do best and cry because I cant get my own way!!! I have successfully completed all steps of the process (thanks to Chicken Man and his 1000's of chicken friends), but everytime I try to burn my very first vcd, I keep getting a write error message in Nero. GRrrrrrrrrrrrrr - How frustrating is this? I can only think of one thing more frustrating which I wont detail here!

Admitedly I am using very 'cheap' CDR's, could this be my problem or could it be that my CD writer just isn't as good as it should be? I only got my laptop at the end of last year, it is more than capable of doing the job (1GB RAM, 40GB HDD, Pentium 4, etc etc), but it is starting to feel like I have been robbed in the peripheral department!!!!

HELP - I am a lost little chicken!!
try winding your burn speed down with the cheap cds they may just burn at a slower speed i had some months ago that i was given ...would only burn at 10x bleh !! :) they were fine for a couple of test burns of various stuff :) ...but i would advise against using really CHEAP media for important stuff :)
Write errors are normally associated with crappy media or a varity that your burner does not like. Change your media and slow down the burn.

By the way what sheed were you burning at ? and when exactly does the write error appear ie. at the start of the burn, the end, or everywhere?
ChickenMan said:
Write errors are normally associated with crappy media or a varity that your burner does not like. Change your media and slow down the burn.

By the way what sheed were you burning at ? and when exactly does the write error appear ie. at the start of the burn, the end, or everywhere?
I was burning at 4x, the slowest for my burner. The error occured about 1/4 of the way into it, this has happened in other attempts at copying vcd's using the disk copy ( I tried using alcohol, clone cd and nero) and the error always happens at aroung the same point.