divx to svcd prob

I found an installed the latest DVD2SVCD ver 1.1.1 build 2 and am following your tutorial for set up. In the tutorial it says to click on frameserver tab and select resize method to be bicubic, which I did. Then it says click on Sharpen and enter its value as 0.4. I do not see anything that says sharpen. Then it says make sure resize is set to SVCD. I do not see that choice either. Please advise. Thank you.
Dane said:
Chicken Man, did you finish installing your software and find out if the divx 3 codec worked in there?
I finally insatlled DivX 3.11a and the option to tick DivX 3 to DivX4 is now NOT greyed out. I now have it ticked as standard.
There is something crazy going on here because I have Divx 3.11 alpha installed and that box is still greyed out. Any other suggestions ?
Sorry, others have reported that as you install DivX3.11 it becomes un-greyed, it happen to me as well. So all I can see is your system is a bit mixed up as you suggested.

All I can suggest is to use FourCC from Doom9.net download section to manually change each AVI header from Div3 to Div4
You said you had installed Divx 3.11a. Is that different from Divx 3.11 alpha ? I have the alpha version which is all they had at the time I was there.
I am sorry but you are going to have to educate me a little bit. I do not know anything about AVI headers and stuff. If I use FourCC to make that change, does that mean I don't have to use DVD2SVCD to convert the file, and then I can go ahead and burn the SVCD ?
The use of FourCC, well all it does is exactly what DVD2SVCD does when you tick the Convert Div3 to Div4. It just changes the AVI header to say use DivX4 (or 5) to playback/decode the file rather than the original DivX3 that was used.

So just do that to the file first, then start DVD2SVCD, loadf in AVI and continue as per the Tutorial. When you get to the "Check the Div3 to Div4" part, just ignore it as you have already done it manually.
Ok, I must be stupid. I had to go into the unzipped files from Divx 3.11a and install it. Now the box is ungrayed. Now, onto the next problem. In the tutorial, when you click on the Frameserver tab, it says to click on sharpen and enter its value as 0.4. I do not see anything in there that says sharpen. It also says, "Make sure resize is set to SVCD. I do not see that option either. Can you please clarify for me ?
The Sharpen option has been removed from later versions of DVD2SVCD. It doesnt do much so I will be removing it from my tutes, so just ignore that.

You need to have in, in the Misc Tab, DVD2SVCD Level set to Advanved, else you will not see the resize options.
I have the same issue with the greyed out box for DIVX3... guess I'll ignore it though since everything else works great.

A question though: In the tutorial you mention to either check 4:3 (no borders) or 16:9 (borders added). What about 16:9 (anamorphic)? I've tried it and one disc came out great and one came out in 4:3 all squished up. Any ideas?
SVCD in Anamorpgic mode only works on a widescreen TV properly. They get squished on a normal 4:3 TV.

Choosing 4:3 or 16:9 with borders (actually 4:3) will work on EVERY TV, thats why I suggest staying with these 2 forms only.
Chicken Man, apparenty you did not see my last posted question so I will repost now. I finally got through all the problems with the divx 3 settings, etc and tried to do a conversion of an avi using DVD2SVCD. Soon after the audio conversion started, I got a message saying that BeSweet.exe had encountered a problem and would shut down. It happens the same way each time I try it. What is BeSweet.exe and do you know why it is doing that ?
Besweet is a program used by DVD2SVCD to do all the audio conversions. Besweet itself also uses a lot of programs from other writers to deal with mp3. ac3, wav files etc as all divx are different. If your divx has ogg or other non-mainstream audio, then besweet will object as it cant handle it.

You can manually convert the Extacted_Audio_1.mpa file if its one of these odd formats to a WAV file then use Besweet to convert to Encoded_Audio_1.mp2 file.

Run GSPOT (download addy is somewhere in this forum, just do a search) and it will tell you the Audio codec in the AVI, then go to www.doom9.net audio download section and grab the necessary progs to do the conversions I mention above
Man, the problems just continue. I used Gspot and it said that the proper codec was installed for that avi, but BeSweet still shuts down when it starts the conversion. Any other ideas ?
find a slightly older version of BeSweet and unpack it into the BeSweet folder and overwrite the one that comes with the original installation :)