create working copy with clone cd and plextor?

hey everyone,
since recently i own a plextor pxw - 48 24 A. now i know this one is considered to be among the best, esp. with firmware 1.04. still, i can´t get a working copy of almost any protected game. i tried a lot with clone cd 4.2, even downloaded templates, but neither image nor the cd copy work for the protection. everything else works perfectly though.
does anybody know of this problem?
thx alot,
VIPER_1069 said:
sign up and we can maby help you more :)

or are you using the USER NAME 'guest' !?

i signed in as guest, and found me having all posting rights. either someone was not very creative in choosing name/pw or this is kind of a public user name (as the name suggests). i´ll be right back.
what about help now?

guest said:
i signed in as guest, and found me having all posting rights. either someone was not very creative in choosing name/pw or this is kind of a public user name (as the name suggests). i´ll be right back.
now i´m registered...
did anyone have the same problems with the above combination?
OK. Tell us what it is you're trying to copy and we'll tell you how to go about it. It would help if you also tell us what operating system you use and whether you have any other available roms to use either as readers or to use to run the copied cds.
stone_burner said:
OK. Tell us what it is you're trying to copy and we'll tell you how to go about it. It would help if you also tell us what operating system you use and whether you have any other available roms to use either as readers or to use to run the copied cds.

the last one was indiana jones and the emperors tomb; i tried several templates (game cd, protected game, safedisc template);i reinstalled clonecd;i don´t remember what else.
the problem is, i didn´t get it to make a working copy of other games as well. also, images i created with my old burner (cyberdrive 52x i believe) that were working from a virtual drive,did not work when copied onto a cd-r.
the cyberdrive was able to make working images, but couldn´t burn them to a cd-r, the game always noticed.
the plextor doesn´t even create working images anymore.
i´ve been searching the web for a while, but never came across anyone facing the same problems.

system spec.:
windows 2000, service pack 3
AMD Athlon 1800+
512 MB DDR RAM 333MHz
Elitegroup Mainboard with SIS chipset (Board K7S6a)
Geforce 4 Ti4400 128mb ram
teac cd-rom 540 or so.

actually, i believe the problem must be somewhere in my system settings.
whatever, thx everybody.
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Follow discussion on "Clony XXL" - this will tell you what protection, and how tough - not sure if it identifies the later flavours of Safedisk 2 though, which are possibly out of the un-updated CloneCD's league.

If you are reading in the burner, and have not activated "hide CDR media", then you may be falling foul of a CD-R media check.
For recent things, you may also be falling foul of a check for CloneCD.

CloneCD is "old technology" now, overtaken by Alcohol and BlindWrite - and there are protections now that CloneCD CANNOT do, or can only handle with outside help.
LTR12101B said:
Follow discussion on "Clony XXL" - this will tell you what protection, and how tough - not sure if it identifies the later flavours of Safedisk 2 though, which are possibly out of the un-updated CloneCD's league.

If you are reading in the burner, and have not activated "hide CDR media", then you may be falling foul of a CD-R media check.
For recent things, you may also be falling foul of a check for CloneCD.

CloneCD is "old technology" now, overtaken by Alcohol and BlindWrite - and there are protections now that CloneCD CANNOT do, or can only handle with outside help.

so you think it´s not a problem with my settings or some hardware prob, but that anyone using a plex and clone cd would face the same difficulties (given the fact he burns the same software)?
i´ll try the above mentioned, though, thx.
Well Indiana Jones and the Emperors Tomb isn't copy protected at all. You can copy it with anything. Personally I'd just use nero or burnatonce but if you want to use CloneCD you can use either the Data CD profile or the Game CD profile.

If your plex can't copy it, there's something wrong with it or with your system generally.
US/UK, etc. versions were I believe as you say not protected. But ur_ma is I believe from Germany where it was probably protected with SafeDisc v2.90.040
celtic_druid said:
US/UK, etc. versions were I believe as you say not protected. But ur_ma is I believe from Germany where it was probably protected with SafeDisc v2.90.040
Well if it's sd 2.9, he should look here but the chances with a 1 sheep plex aren't good.

Alcohol with Bypass efm error would be the best try.

An emu copy with ccd won't work because they don't work without hide cdr media and hide cdr media is blacklisted by sd 2.9.

In any case, I think that something must be wrong with ur_ma's hardware as there's no reason why an image read with the plex shouldn't work when mounted on a virtual drive (assuming that is that the game was installed from the vd so as to avoid hotwiring issues).
celtic_druid said:
Well if CloneCD's virtual drive was used, then that would probably explain it as I would assume that it is also blacklisted.
Yep. It sure is and it doesn't have to be active. It only has to be installed (which is the default). Recommendation if you still use ccd in combination with other duping soft is that you uninstall and then do a custom re-install without the vd.

Ccd itself isn't blacklisted by sd 2.9 but both hide and ccd's virtual drive are blacklisted. If you want to use a vd proggy then use either alcohol's or daemon tools since both have been updated so as to bypass the blacklistings (yes, both were initially blacklisted by sd 2.9 too).
stone_burner said:
Yep. It sure is and it doesn't have to be active. It only has to be installed (which is the default). Recommendation if you still use ccd in combination with other duping soft is that you uninstall and then do a custom re-install without the vd.

Ccd itself isn't blacklisted by sd 2.9 but both hide and ccd's virtual drive are blacklisted. If you want to use a vd proggy then use either alcohol's or daemon tools since both have been updated so as to bypass the blacklistings (yes, both were initially blacklisted by sd 2.9 too).
don´t think i´m not listening. celtic_druid is right, i am from germany. you guys gave me alot to think about, thank you so much so far. just don´t have the time today, but will try all this later tonight or tomorrow morning.
one other thing: what is a "one-sheep" plex?
thx for giving hope back to this unhappy little fella.
"One sheep" burner is the one that can't copy safedisk 2.X without special image treatment, and not at all (most times) safedisk 2.9X.
I never liked the 48X Plexwriter, nor my 24/10/40... both were way overhyped and rather cheaply built. In fact I stopped being a Plextor fan after I bought the 24X Plex- and seeing the problems with the 40X, 48X ones and that ridiculous ripoff- the OEM NEC egg boiler which they served stamped as PX-504 DVD+R burner.
But that said- the new Plextor Premium burner is the best one currently available, and perhaps it will stay there for lots of years... there are almost no new models out anymore.
The-poacher said:
And when you do, the column to look at is the efm encoding column.

As scarecrow said, for practical purposes, 2 sheep means the burner can copy safedisc 2 protected cds without special treatment of the image though some cannot copy sd 2.8 with clonecd and some cannot copy sd 2.9 with any software (e.g. Lite-on Ltr-24102B).

Your plex is a 1 sheep writer (can often copy safedisc 2 with special treatment of the image, though very little chance with sd 2.9 since not all 2 sheep burners can do it) whilst your old cyberdrive is 0 sheep (so practically no chance at all with that burner).

Note too that reports about sd 2.9 capability of the plex premium are mixed. Some have reported success but others have failed which is similar to past reports for plexxies for sd 2.51+ (i.e. results vary as between individual writers).