Computer wont stop beeping


New member
Everytime I press 1 key or more my computer beeps. When it beeps it freezes my computer for like 1/8 of a second. It is really annoying and I need help! I also notice when I type really fast it beeps more frequently. Someone said something to be about my computer buffer?!?! Anyway's if someone could solve my problem I would be greatful. :)
There isn't a window lying hidden that needs to be ok'd or cancelled is there?
I've also heard "beep on every key" duiring a crash/lockup - usually at the reset required stage!

Only other thing that comes to mind is a virus/joke program - though I don't immediately recall any that do it.
It's an IRQ conflict. Are you using a USB or PS2 keyboard?
Can you hear any sort of annoying sound (not loud, but listenable...) when you move your mouse?
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This post is a little old, but I don't see where Juked said his problem is fixed. Have you found the solution yet? If not I could come up with a few suggestions.

When you finally find the problem, let us know what worked. The end is always the best part of a mystery :).