clone cd

Try CloneyXXL... Note: It's In German... but give it a whirl, not too hard to deal with... Settings and stuff sould be Auto Produced with the Extra Feats. And proggies @ the main Page...
NewGen hi ya bro long time!:)
ClonyXXL can give you the option to switch to english bro :p Sorry just run ClonyXXL hit the options button and behold select German or English....laterz.
The-poacher said:
Or try Alcohol better by far
Yes for most copy protections but alcohol's woeful for Ring Protech and laserlock, esp if you're using a Litey to dump. Ccd beats alcohol by a street with those prots.

Guess I should do a Ring Protech tute to add to the sd 2.8 and securom 4.8x tutes since Wannadoo's releasing quite a few games with that prot.
HUH bi languages

NewGen said:
Try CloneyXXL... Note: It's In German... but give it a whirl, not too hard to deal with... Settings and stuff sould be Auto Produced with the Extra Feats. And proggies @ the main Page...
The bottom right of Clony has an option ("optionum"?) and then it expands to the right choose language by flags.
Oh crap... Sorrie guys...! yeah... the latest release of ClonyXXL has that option yeah... just updated myself a nite ago... it was a brain twist tryin' to sypher Geman text in the previous Ver2.0... hehe... :p
Don't feel bad NewGen. Clony snagged me for the longest time at the cd setup screen is German before it even gave me options.
if you download slightly older versions you could add multi lingual languages with the .ini files :) search the forum for a how to :)