
Hey guys, i have been in the chat room everytime i get on here and there is never anyone in it, does anyone use it anymore?, the only thing in there is the bot thats keeping the room alive. BTW very nice site i love it :)
Problem with chat is that Shadoe Phantom is coming there too often,so people started to avoid it......and knowing a Shadoe.......that comes as a no surprise..........................:) :) :cool: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
i have an idea, i play a turned bassed web game called pimpwar, and on the main page of your game you have a link to the IRC channel for your allaince, well how about a link to the cdrsoft channel as not everyone has IRC and it would make it easier for them to access the channel, i would love to chat with others on this site and would find it alot more informative if you could "bounce" i deas off each other,comunication is a great thing :),its just a thought and it wouldnt take to much to do, the only thing i could think of that would cause a problen is can people trace you back to this site in IRC? im not sure on that,if they can forget about the link because i dont want this site shut down for anything lol.
there is a java applet from the main site that people can use to talk over on the irc channel, yet still not many use it. Most times it's moderators & gold members bumping into each other as one is coming on while other is going out.