
as MP3 many more than 18 but as an Audio CD if the 18 songs are less than 99 mins in total lenth yes any good mastering programme will burn to a 99 min CDR but on a 99 CDR the quality at end of the CDR may not be too good..(if the songs are less than 80 min U can get them on an 80 minute CDR)

U cannot AFAIK burn CD Audio less than the actual length of the songs.
As the super mod says, but I just want to stress a point he was making a little clearer for some.
If you are putting music to play in standalone regular music CDs (ex: Music CD you buy at HMV or other music stores) then the determining factor for how many you can fit on the CD is the length of the total songs. If all 18 songs are no longer than 80min or however long your CD-R is rated for, then no problem, otherwise no can do.
Quality in bitrate has no factor as it will still be the same length, only with worse sound lol. With MP3 CDs you can fit as many as determined by the size of the files (in most cases CD-Rs come in 650MB-790MB).

lol, I don't know if I made it clearer or more complicating lol
Using mono/mix mono you can scrape extra time on a disk but...... unfortunatly you loose that stereo feeling that comes with quality lol doh !

you can also scrape a few more seconds by removing the silence gap between tracks ...but you have to allow about 2 seconds or so with track one when making an audio cd in NERO or it complains :)

Anyhow it REALLY all depends on the length of each track when it boils down to it!, its just doing the maths if a track is 2 mins long then you will get 80min / 2 mins = 40 tracks :)

Just calculate the time needed by loading the tracks into winamp and approximate looking at the total playtime in the playlist bottom bar of winamp :)

hope this helps :)
Sound effects CD have MANY tracks!
Not sure if you can exceed 99 though, or if that's only a display limit for most equipment.

I know I'm wandering, back to the point....
Is this a particular piece of software which is refusing to allow more than 18 tracks, other than from the CD being full?
It may need setting for 80 min - if it's only allowing 74 minutes of capacity - and it'll need to have "overburn" support to use 90 or 99 minute media.