Can't Open File or Unsupported...



I downloaded 3 different movie files from a p2p..When i try to open with TMPGEnc. All 3 say unable to open or file not supported..Anybody have any ideas.......
Can you play the AVI's with Windows Media Player? If so then, have a read of the DivX to VCD tutorial in the Tutorial section. You will probably have to extract the audio out of the AVI using VirtualDUB first..

I also assume you have some DivX Codec installed on your computer? If not, get it from You cannot view or convert a DivX AVI unless you have some DivX codec installed, if it still doesnt work then you may also need DivX 3.11 codec.
try unchecking the plugins and enableing only one at a time, i had a similar problem with dv avi and there were two avi plugins working against each other. the plugins are foun in the environmental settings (i think)
Tech34 said:
I downloaded 3 different movie files from a p2p..When i try to open with TMPGEnc. All 3 say unable to open or file not supported..Anybody have any ideas.......
Hi Tech,

I guess your avi files are Xvid (not Divx !) encoded. TmpgEnc doesn't support them.
You have to install the Xvid codec and then, open the avi file in VirtualDub > set video compression to Divx (3, 4 or 5), and save the new avi file.
Then you can open it in TmpgEnc and convert to VCD/SVCD if it's what you want to do.
Before (I forgot...) save your audio (compression > no, Conversion > 44100) and use this new vaw file as audio source in TmpnEnc.
Hope it will work (It did for me :) )
with chicken man on this one if you do not have THE DIVX codecs not installed you will neither be able to view nor use any video tools on them most are divx 4 and above on peer2 peer such as kazaa and grokster etc !

also there are many many fake/duff files out there that are just a waste of a download put there but the movie giants to try discourage us from downloading their fantastic new blockbuster ! and millions more deliberatly missnamed files by the thickos out there that think its great to p%$ us off and waste our downloads ive had many films that are fake /not working or not what they are supposed to be but having dsl its not such a loss with a part film missnamed its a case of finding the other half to have a whole film altho not the intended film :(

worst case here would be if you are on 56k and spend a day or so getting a film off a peer 2 peer to find its a fudged none working copy it can be fustrating to say the least :(

been there done that pre ADSL !

if you search this forum for DIVX there are some tools out there that tell u what version codec the avi has been encoded in so maby this will speed up the decision on what codec to download and install ! ;)

hope this is of some use to you !! ;)

note here:- chickenman is well respected as VCD SVCD DIVX DVD rippin blah blah in fact any video orientated type creation!!,

hes yer man to ask with his other side kicks etc in the various vcd threads they are the TRUSTED GURUS of the science of vcd makeing ;)
VIPER_1069 said:
if you search this forum for DIVX there are some tools out there that tell u what version codec the avi has been encoded in so maby this will speed up the decision on what codec to download and install !
Where did he said the avi files where Divx encoded ?
I keep saying they could be XVid encoded. :D
Jazzman, actually under the new rules of the DivX consortium, an AVI encoded with the Xvid codec is still considered to be called a DivX (just to confuse the issued a bit more.) and audio to be VBR if MP3.

Lets just wait for Tech34 to come back with a bit more info.
@ jazzman im assuming that he got these from KAZAA or GROKSTER as these seem to be the choice of the movie downloader and i would pretty much say that 90% or even more of the certainly newer cam or screener releases out there are in DIVX format as this is the norm for groups such as TMD and SMR to compress there releases most people go for the smaller file size to dowload rather than the 700mb vcd/svcd and i can vouch that most of the smaller files are DIVX as i get a few myself tho not great quality they are watchable at a push ! :)
f.y.i :D



I downloaded DIVX 5.01 from the divx site...Where can I find the Virtualdub...They now play but have no audio...How do I convert..It appears to be just a player...Sorry for all the questions but I am totally new to this....


I have figured out the audio.D/L all programs but I am having problems with the video.I found DIVX Codec 3.11.I followed the directions.It edits the registry but TMPGEnc still does not recognize the format.I think i am doing it totally wrong.I have followed your tutorial to the letter but I can't get it to work.When I try to run the avi in windows media player it only playys the audio.Then I try to run TMPGEnc & it says invalid format.BUt when I run the avi in DIVX 5.? it plays the video finebut no audio.Any ideas...What am I doing wrong....,Thanks...
You could try downloading media player 7.1 if you haven't already got it. Maybe, also download a copy of the new NIMO codec pack and install that too.
I would split the Audio out from the avi using VirtualDUB. Load the avi into VD, if there is no error meessage, then set Audio to Full Prossessing Mode, then go to File & Save WAV. If these is an error message, then set Audio to Direct Stream Copy and use WinAMP to convert to a WAV file. Then use the original AVI for Video source in TMPGEnc and the new WAV as the Auido Source.

Let me know how you get on.


In my opinion, If Tech34 can play only audio in wmp, It sounds like a missing code. I suggest try install NIMO pack.

Somehow in TMPGenc you can encode only video without audio. If in this case I suggest to go with Cman way. Use Vitual Dub to get a wave file out of avi (use full processing mode in audio then save wave) In TMPGenc use avi for video source and wave for audio source.

Hope this help

I'd love to attached nimo pack and vitual dub but don't know how to do it. lol:D
Hi! Same shit, different user. I have installed a WinTV Nexus-s card and tried to record some movies with different kind of software (WinTV Nexus, Multidec 8.2, WinDVBlive). The files are recorded as .pva or mpg. When i try create a VCD or SVCD with TMPEnc plus I get the same error as Tech34. Is there any way to get rid of this problem?