with chicken man on this one if you do not have THE DIVX codecs not installed you will neither be able to view nor use any video tools on them most are divx 4 and above on peer2 peer such as kazaa and grokster etc !
also there are many many fake/duff files out there that are just a waste of a download put there but the movie giants to try discourage us from downloading their fantastic new blockbuster ! and millions more deliberatly missnamed files by the thickos out there that think its great to p%$ us off and waste our downloads ive had many films that are fake /not working or not what they are supposed to be but having dsl its not such a loss with a part film missnamed its a case of finding the other half to have a whole film altho not the intended film
worst case here would be if you are on 56k and spend a day or so getting a film off a peer 2 peer to find its a fudged none working copy it can be fustrating to say the least
been there done that pre ADSL !
if you search this forum for DIVX there are some tools out there that tell u what version codec the avi has been encoded in so maby this will speed up the decision on what codec to download and install !
hope this is of some use to you !!
note here:- chickenman is well respected as VCD SVCD DIVX DVD rippin blah blah in fact any video orientated type creation!!,
hes yer man to ask with his other side kicks etc in the various vcd threads they are the TRUSTED GURUS of the science of vcd makeing