Can not uninstall alcohol-soft

what do you mean....can you explain a little using the add/remove in the control panel...or from the Alcohol Folder...what error message do you get..if might have to reinstall that same version to get the unistall properties back.
If you would read the post above I'm not looking for warez I 'm trying to remove to install a newer version When I try to remove it give me a message a newer version is installed when I try to install a new version it message that needs to be uninstalled (now who said anything about warez )
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Soz modman

Reinstall ver, then uninstall it as jroc says

If i rem right, the installer offers the option 2 uninstall previous version, bfore installing newer version

Apoligies 4 thinkin it was warez, but Ur wording was very vague

I've never had any probs uninstalling this prog, as i let it get rid of the previous version first

Hope it helps:)

It will not let install because there in a newer install or that is what message that it gives and it will not uninstall because a newer version is install .Are there anyway I can remove in regedit ???or I need the trail_setup.msi ????
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Have U tried using the msi file 2 delete it

On my box(Win98se) this is in the Windows\Installer folder.There will prob be a few of these files, so just right click them & check the properties

I've had 2 do this with some progs that won't be removed from add\remove programs

When U find the Alcohol file, right click & select uninstall

The error message is a wierd 1, if is the only version U have on, then the newer version should offer 2 get rid of it

Removing it manually is not a good idea as it loads a virtual drive at boot time unless U have told it not 2

Never had this meself so me a bit stumped, hopefully some 1 else here might know

I need to get the trial_setup.msi for that what the newer version needs to uninstal but I think I deteted it !!! Help please
Ok this is a one off we are against linking to files but this is a trial version thats no longer available at the alochol site :)

let me know when u have grabbed this modman and i will adjust the link accordingly :)

Edit by Rastabt! 28 April 2003
Thanks for helping out there VIPER.;) As you can see I've edit your post since modman is up and running now..
Happy burning modman.:)