burnatonce didn't run

I've been lookin for a good software to record bin images with cue files (bincue images). I used to do that whit CDRWin till I bought an Acer CDRW that wasn't supported, then change it to a LiteOn 4012 and same prob. Now appears a new version of the original GoldenHawk CDRWin 3.9b that support it, but the problem as I saw in the forum is that a wrong registration will at last activate a timebomb, I mean it will work good in the first copyies and then will corrupt them. I used the las keygen provided in the forum by orion i think.

So I decided to try another software, and tryed Burnatonce. With the Acer CDRW the software run but didn't work but It didn't surprise me becouse I think this recorder it's a sh*t. But now, the liteon (it's better than Acer) I installed the new Burnatonce 0.91b version and it didn't run, nothing appears, just make a sound but nothing appears. I'm using winxp pro corp edition, and installed the SP1 (previous changed the serial). What may be doing that, perhaps the SP1 service pack?

I think I will have to goon using CDRWin till a new Burnatonce version solve my problem or till CDRWin begins to rec corrupt cd's or not.
Yes I read this, I had installed version 4.71 and reinstall 4.60 and the problem persist. I go to the burnatonce forum and this problem was described when the CD burner wasn't recognized, but my problem is that the program doesn't run at all, when you try to run it just make a sound (the default windows bip).

hmmz.. strange behaviour...

try to copy the nero aspi driver to bao folder or to

btw.. what os do you runn...

visit: //www.burnatonce.com
at the forum..

Well I fix that mess. Burnatonce was not the only one program that was giving me instalation problem, so I decided to check another option, clean the registry. I search the forum and download a regcleaner freeware and clean a lot of reg entries of software that some times ago I had. Also check for viruses with FSecure but it was clean and also check from trojans and spyware installing PestPatrol also recomenden in this forum and remove a lot of cookies (no trojans) that adaware doesn't detect.
Then Burnatonce run and burn perfectly using a liteon 4012 under winxp pro corp edition with SP1 installed.

I think that the registry cleaning was the key. I test burnatonce recording just one bincue iso file, but it records ok. Don't made any changes at the ASPI drivers (using adaptec 4.71 version) neither at the burnatonce files. I installed the 0.91b version and didn't modify anything (cdrdao, etc).

I hope this could help if others have same problem
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