Best PS2 mod chip

I am interested in some info on a mod chip i wish to backup my kids disks and am in need of a mod chip . What is the best . I will be burning the backup disks with clone-cd. Thanks, Oh where do I get it also.......:D
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search for PS2 Modchip many threads;)
k9cop said:
I am interested in some info on a mod chip i wish to backup my kids disks and am in need of a mod chip . What is the best . I will be burning the backup disks with clone-cd. Thanks, Oh where do I get it also.......:D
The best PS2 modchip around at the moment by far is the Messiah 2 chip, this is a direct-boot chip that boots everything that you throw at it :D

You can get a 30 day trial of CloneCD from their website h*tp://
yes, i agree, the messiah 2 pro or ripperchip is the best current mod although a cheaper alternative should be the magic 3 but if possible go fo the messiah 2 pro

by the way watch how much you pay if you buy it from a fitter the m2 pro chip is a very small (tiny) thin board and is much cheaper than the old messiah chip i dont know what the single unit price is but in the uk the go for around £30(each) for 10 or £20 (each) for 100 so you shouldnt have to pay over £50 including fitting from most places that treat you fairly (expect £10-£15 more if its an older model ps2 like a v3/v4 or jap 1000 or 1500 model)


As they say, the M2 install is not for the faint hearted... This is a pic of MY Messiah 2 next to a penny... As you can see, its not very big....



Thanks everyone for the kind words...... I really appreciate it...
Hopefully I will be able to help..... Again, thanks everyone....:)
Sorry for the newbie question, what is the mod chip? I'm also interesting to learn about PS2 related, but don't know anything yet. Would you mind to share some light. Thanks in advance.
a mod chip is chip that enables you to play ps2 backups and multi region dvds also playstation backups
akc said:
a mod chip is chip that enables you to play ps2 backups and multi region dvds also playstation backups

errr.. you missed the IMPORTANT reason for owning a mod ;) .......

they allow you to play legitimately purchased ORIGINAL games from overseas and allow you to play a "fair use" backup of titles that you own, i wouldnt want anyone thinking these chips were designed to play pirate games ;)