Ok bud,i know what you mean,its trye that sometimes you cant find it,so arm yourself with patience and go for it.Its a doable thing-no worries
Still,i remember that guys here said that audicity editor also is not bad and its totally free,so if you dont wanna spend a $$$$$ or demos expire before you finish a job,try that one

I did try and didnt like it at all..
But really try a samplitude just to see what a cutting edge of audio is,
Thats a real tough editor
It can do everything you need and mich more,it can do everything and much more what we here on forum think its even possible
Also,keep in mind that its best to capture-record in a best format you can get,so if your hardware support it,go with a pcm48khz so after you can compress it when a restoration is done.
Also,when you start recording dont use enhancers or something.Do a regular-clean recording,maube you might throw a dc inside to take a hum from a hardware.I remember that a sound forge dc was really effective for taking a subnoise out(dc plugin is got funkcion to take a noise from your hardware-which is oscilating-cant think of proper english word for it??).
good luck!!

Edit1;just saw that scarecrow mentioned audiocity now-he is the man and if he recomending it??it must be a good solution-so check it out

Edit2;keep in mind that a good editor is really expensive and when you finish a job,you might not using it much,so dont waste your $$$easily.
For example i dont have a editor installed now at all,couse i dont need one,only 1 i got is a mp3 direct cut-it can do a mp3s without decoding to wave first-all editors have to decode a file before processing it,thats why i said record in wave couse no decoding needs.
Also,regarding a samplitude,it will automatically record and split the tracks when the pause is,and will burn it too.If sometimes guess wasnt good,you can drop a marker manuallu.Anyway im going too much talking,so bye!!
Edit3;Just found a dc diamond cut millenium which is a good restoring tool for 59$$ excelent price
you can download as demo and it will last 10 days-but its not criplled in any way so if you are fast you can do a job with it